Chapter Two

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After much examination and not getting much explanation from Lexi other than she had fought an alpha, Deaton concluded that they'd just have to wait and see, and cleaned and stitched her wounds. Lexi kept pressing Scott for answers on how he healed, and the answer was always the same: "I didn't do much besides get stitched up and in a couple of days I was fine."

The problem was Lexi didn't have a couple of days. She needed to be strong now, she needed to be able to defend herself now. She didn't want to feel this vulnerable, this dependent on other people. It was extremely difficult and against her nature to ignore her instincts that were constantly telling her to run, not to trust these people. But she needed them. She needed to trust them if she wanted to live to see another day. So when Scott offered her a place to stay she had accept. It was easier for her to trust him. He was a True Alpha and he had healed from am alpha's scratch. He could help her. The other two, Stiles and Liam, she wasn't too sure. Not yet, at least.

Scott and Liam were helping her stand, the pain more unbearable than she could've ever imagined,  when Stiles phone went off. As soon as he saw the caller ID his entire facial expression dropped. He had that face you get when you realize you were supposed to do something but you forgot, and now your mom it totally going to ground you because you couldn't remember to do one simple thing. Lexi knew the look all too well. Just the thought of her mom made her heart ache.

"Who is it?" Liam asked, wrapping an arm around Lexi's waist. Lexi noticed that even though he was much shorter than Scott and Stiles, he was still about an inch or two taller than her. 

"My dad," Stiles said. "I gotta take this." He turned around and answered the call.

Lexi leaned into Scott and whispered, "Why did he make that face when his dad called?"

Scott scratched the back of his head and secured her arm around his neck. "His dad is the sheriff, and usually when he calls its not exactly, well, it's not exactly good."

"What does that mean?"

"You don't want to know."

Before Lexi could question further, Stiles turned around and shoved his phone in his pocket, walking towards the three. "Apparently we have to take Lexi to the station."

"What?" Liam and Scott asked, while Lexi more so shouted. 

"Why?" Deaton questioned from behind them. Lexi almost forgot he was there.

"Well, Malia's there with Lydia helping dad and Parrish with something, and when I said I have to take a new injured werewolf to my best friend's house he immediately called it in."

"Why?" Scott asked. "He never calls in these type of things."

"He didn't call me in when I became a werewolf," Liam added.

Stiles looked at the two, and then looked at Lexi. "Yeah, well apparently this werewolf created some sort of havoc in the woods that the station needs to look into."

Lexi immediately grew anxious. She even felt her posture change, her back straightening, her shoulders tensing. Liam looked at her weirdly. "What havoc?" She asked, attempting to sound as normal as possible. The truth was she felt as if she'd been caught straight out of her lie.

Stiles pressed his lips together. "I guess we'll just have to find out."

She didn't like the sound of that. Something clearly happened during her fight with Adam, something bad. Something she was too wolfed out to remember. 

Deep in her thoughts, Lexi allowed Liam and Scott to practically carry her out the veterinarian and towards a beat up old Jeep. As soon as she saw the car she immediately remembered hearing something Stiles said when she first started to wake up. "Who's Roscoe?"

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