Thank You.

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Oh my god I don't even know what to say. I marathoned trying to finish Prophecy these past few days and I'm honestly really proud of the turnout. This book took two years to complete and it often looked like it would never get finished, but it did!! We did it!! It took allot of work, allot of literal tears, and allot of consulting Jamie, but it finally happened. It's kind of fitting that Prophecy gets completed around the same time Teen Wolf ends (still sobbing over that.)

Thank you to everyone who read this, whether it was from the beginning or towards the end. Thank you for putting up with my really unstable, sometimes month-long lack of updates and chapter re-writes. Thank you for every read, vote, and comment. Just thank you for everything.

Thank you, Jamie (littlecoyotes), for being the biggest supporter of this book since the first chapter. Thank you for understanding and for always pushing me to do my best, and trusting me with Lexi. I really, really hope I did her justice. Thank you for all your amazing ideas (even the ones I couldn't make happen L ), for all the edits and for all the laughs. (Feel free to show her some love cause as I've said before this is her idea just as much as it is mine.)

I still can't believe it. PROPHECY IS FINISHED!

I will miss this story and these characters terribly. They taught me allot about friendship and family, and that those two things are more important than anything. I hope everything came to a nice conclusion and there's no confusion or any plot holes. More importantly, I hope I brought peace for each and every character.

This is the end of Lexi and the Reed family. Sadly, there will be no sequel. (Though I do have this headcanon that when Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, and Kira leave for college Lexi and Liam take over the pack and co-alpha the next generation together just as her parents had done. Lexi gets over the whole "a pack can't have two alphas" thing.) If you do, however, somehow, find yourself missing me you can find me working and crying over my next two projects: Dysfunctional and the Mysterious Case of Charlie La Rue (which I'm hella excited about.)

Once again: thank you.

Love always,


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