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Five days later, fuelled by his desire to save his town and his pack, Scott McCall had led the faithful five (and Marley) into battle against the Dread Doctors. It took allot of research, allot of scientific chatter that only Lydia truly understood, and some questioning of Adam, but they finally figured out a way to get rid of the Dread Doctors for good. And man did it feel awesome. Scott was happy, overjoyed more like it. He had his pack and his town. And, somehow still managed to pass AP Biology.

Lexi had wanted to go with them. The Dread Doctors had stolen Nicole, Adam, and her life by planting Finn Smith's subconscious into her father's mind, but both she and Adam were on strict recovery duty. The why behind what the Dread Doctors did was still unknown, but as long as both Finn Smith and the Dreads Doctors were gone, Lexi was happy living in the mystery. They spent the bed-ridden days talking. It filled Lexi with a great amount of happiness to be able to tell her father everything that had happened and an even greater amount of joy when he smiled and nodded and laughed along with her. Even when she told him about Liam, and he responded with a very fatherly response of, "What boy?!"

They spent the next two weeks together, inseparable. Everyone gave them space, and Lexi would forever be grateful to them for that. Stiles still didn't trust Adam, at least not completely, neither did Malia, and Liam looked like he constantly wanted to tell her something, but they understood that time was precious and that Lexi wanted to spend as much time with her father as possible. There were conversations to have, but for two glorious weeks she got to enjoy having her father back. Decisions could wait for that.

Marley had left town because her mission was now over. Lexi was safe, Theo was thrown into jail, the Dread Doctors were gone, and Adam Reed was back.

All was good.

Except it wasn't. Because traces of Finn Smith still lingered in Lexi's father.

She noticed it in their second week together. Little moments of anger where he had to take a moment, sometimes grip a chair before he was okay again. Sometimes he had this look, the same one Finn Smith had worn on his face that scared her. It was in those moments that Scott or Stiles or someone would come stand by her until Adam calmed down again.

She half expected it when Adam told her he had to leave. She didn't expect it when he told her he had to leave alone. Without her.

"I just got you back," she told him with defiance.

"I know," he responded.

He told her he wished it wasn't like this, but he wasn't the same. He was back because she had brought him back, but he wasn't the same. Finn Smith was still in him and as long as there was a part of him that still believe in the prophecy, there was no way she was safe with him.

"I've spoken to the Sheriff and Scott's mom. They're more than happy to look after you until I come back." He said as he wiped the tears from her eyes.

The day he left was probably the hardest day of her life. They spent the entire morning together, walking around Beacon Hills where she showed him where she would be going to school and where she would be spending most of her time. She tried not to be sad. She wanted to at least be brave for him. But then the time came where they have to separate, and the moment they stepped out the door of Scott's house is the moment she lost it.

She crashed into him, crying out, "Please don't go!"

Adam's emotional as he hugged her, held her so close he didn't want to let go. "I have to," he told her. "I need to fix what I've done. The pack still needs a Reed." She laughed though she didn't want to. "You're better off with them. Promise you'll call, text, even write a freaking letter. I want to hear everything." She nodded as he pulled away, leaned down to kiss her forehead. "I'll be back for you, Lexi. I love you." And then he was stepping away, and she was struggling so hard not to run after him.

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