Chapter Six (part one)

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"What?" Was all either Malia or Stiles could come to say as they stared at the man standing in front of them. Confusion swept through them along with a wave of panic as they took in his appearance. He had sharp green eyes and a strong jawline that was dotted with  a brown stubble, and had broad shoulders and a build that was very similar to that of Derek Hale. He was larger than Stiles when it came to build, but that wasn't what sent shivers down their spine. It was the blood splattered on him.  His grey jacket, black shirt, and dark jeans were stained in it. There was dirt and blood on his face. Malia could pick up the sent of something dying, and when she looked closely, she could see a black substance on his hand, dried and scraped off, but still visible enough for to see that it appeared to be the exact same substance the omega they had at Scott's house was bleeding.

The man seemed irritated by their response, his jaw locked tight. "Where is my daughter?" He demanded again. "I know you know what I'm talking about. Where is she?"

Malia had had her suspetions the entire time, but when he mentioned the daughter that they apparenty knew about, it was confirmed. This man, standing so confidently and boldly in a scene of blood and horror, was Lexi's father.

Malia kept Stiles behind her, her eyes still locked on Adam as she spoke. "Call Scott," she said. Stiles looked at her with wide eyes and his mouth slightly agape. He was surprised. Ever since the day he had met her Malia Tate was not one to be afraid. The word wasn't even in her list of vocabulary. She was a brave girl with a strong heart and had one hell of a fight in her. But as they stood there, in front of this dark, mysterious stranger, she seemed engulfed by it. It was clear she was trying to put up a front, but he knew her well enough to know that she was truly terrified. When Stiles didn't make a move, she tried again. "Stiles, go call Scott!" 

"Malia -"

"Just go!" She shouted, turning to push his shoulder slightly. "Go call Scott, now!" 

It took him a few moments, and he glanced between Malia and the odd man. She was being protective over him, and that meant that this guy was not good news. He knew Malia could take care of herself, but he didn't like the idea of leaving her alone. But as Malia kept telling him to go, to run, that she would okay,he knew he would eventually have to give up, so he squeezed her hand once before turning and dialing Scott's number as he ran away.

Malia watched his figure disappear, ensuring that he was a safe distance before she turned back to face Lexi's father. When she did, he was staring at her with his head cocked to the side, and his facial expression was calm. "You sent him away because you know who I am," he concluded.

Her body tensed as took her stance again, legs slightly apart, back straight, ready to attack, ready to defend. "You're Lexi's father," she all but spat. "The alpha that hurt her."

At the mention of her name, his jaw tightened. "My daughter's name is not Lexi, not anymore," he said.

Malia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She was about the ask him what he meant when he demanded to know where Lexi was again. Malia was beginning to get a bit annoyed by him. He very aura and persona screamed authority and respect, but it was the kind that frightened you. And he clearly knew that, but he obviously didn't realize where he was and who he was dealing with. 
"I don't know what you want with Lexi or what you want in Beacon Hills, but Adam -"

"That's Alpha Adam to you!" He shouted at her. He advanced towards her, continuing to shout at her. Malia stood, still in her stance, when he came so close that his face was right in front of hers. She could clearly see how angry he was in his green orbs, and the vein in his neck that was sticking out. "I am an Alpha, I am the Alpha, and I demand respect!" 

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