Chapter Eight

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Despite past chaotic events, Beacon Hills went on as if everything was normal. People awoke, ate breakfast, went for a run, and watched cartoons. Life went on as a regular Sunday should. Little did the people of Beacon Hills know was that somewhere in their town, inside Scott McCall's house, a pack meeting of supernatural beings was being held. The group of friends huddled around the kitchen counter, making sure to keep their voices low. Earlier that morning, Stiles had revealed something both terrifying and odd to Scott. Not entirely sure what else to do, the alpha called a pack meeting. Stiles had just finished telling the rest of the pack the information that could change everything.

Reactions were surprised, to say the least. There were some who had to take a moment to understand what Stiles was implying, and some who understood immediately. Everybody, however, could agree that this was not something they were expecting. This was a complete plot twist, a curve in the road they weren't sure Lexi herself knew about. The situation had been complicated enough when it was just a teen runaway who couldn't heal with a psychopathic father on her tail. But this? This was all kinds of batshit crazy.

"You're sure?" Malia asked for confirmation, head low and eyes focused on the brunette boy.

Stiles nodded.

"Because you know what this could mean, right?" Lydia continued. She looked between Stiles and everyone else. "This could change everything. If this is legit, we could be way out of our depth here."

"Aren't we already?" Stiles replied. Lydia pressed her lips together and slumped her shoulders. "I know what I saw. I don't know how to explain, but I know I saw Lexi's eyes shift before she blacked out."

"You didn't just see her eyes shift, Stiles," Kira said. "You saw them shift red."

Stiles didn't say anything. Just nodded, face fallen. He knew how crazy this sounded, how absolutely insane he sounded. But it was the truth, and they all needed to know that.

"This would explain why Adam's after her," Theo said. "He's an alpha who's all about power and control. She's an alpha. It'd make sense if he wanted to take her power."

"Wait," Scott cut in. "We don't know she's an alpha just yet. We don't know anything. That's why we're here, to figure it out."

Stiles glanced sideways at Theo, and tried his best to hide the look of disgust that was so desperately coming to surface. There was this constant creepy state about the guy, and it drove Stiles out of his mind how he and Lexi were the only ones who could see it. But there was no time for that right now. There were more pressing matters to deal with.

"Have we ever actually seen Lexi's eyes shift?" Kira asked, eyes darting around. Now that was the real questioned. It had been on everyone's mind since Stiles made the announcement, but no one had dared to ask.

Lydia bit her lip, and shook her head. "No. She's been injured since she's arrived."

"If she knew about this, she would've told us," Liam spoke up, and everyone turned in surprise. This was the first time he'd spoken since he arrived. He wanted to believe that Lexi would've told them she was an alpha, but he honestly wasn't so sure. After everything he wasn't sure what to believe.

A brief silence settled as they all took it in. So many possibilities. So many scenarios. And they couldn't discuss them all right now because upstairs was Lexi, confused out of her whits, and Ms McCall was doing all she could to calm the girl down. They needed to get on with this. To be done so they could take Lexi to the animal clinic where Deaton could look her over and hopefully give them some kind of an answer, whether it be to confirm her alpha status or give some explanation as to why she healed. They were desperate for just about anything.

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