Chapter Eighteen

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Scott McCall had seen allot in his days. Since the day of his turning, his seen phsyco Alphas, Kanimas, dark druids, nogitsune's, were-jaguars, and so much more in between. Scott McCall had known crazy. Scott McCall lived crazy. So, "Stiles, that's crazy." was probably not the best response.

Stiles' dumbfounded expression made Scott roll his eyes. He knew what Stiles was thinking. It's crazy that he thought this was crazy. Still, Scott could not grasp it. "This kind of thing only happens in Marvel Comics. How the hell would the Dread Doctors even manage to revive a werewolf from a hundred years ago, let alone revive him in Adam? And why the hell would they do it?"

"I provide theories, not answers, Scott," Stiles replied. Scott gave him the look, that look of parent scolding child, or in this case alpha scolding human. "Goddamit, I don't freaking know. But these are the Dread Doctors we're talking about. They literally bend the laws of science. They shouldn't even be alive anymore, but they are. It's not that impossible."

Scott scowled in annoyance. Stiles had a point, but still. This topped the crazy cake.

"I just," Scott began, but stopped himself to take a moment. "Lexi's dead, and now we're finding out that might have been for nothing. That her death was pointless."

Stiles' expression softened. He turned his head, eyes watching as Liam leaned down and pressed his lips against her forehead. He was still crying. Stiles doubted he would stop anytime soon. Malia was there, too. She was holding Lexi's hand, absolutely wrecked with grief, as Lydia and Kira held her.

Scott looked too, and the anger boiled. It boiled in the both of them, because Scott was right. Lexi had died for nothing. Malia lost the one person she related so deeply with. Lydia and Kira lost a little sister. Liam lost what could've been his first love. Stiles had lost a best friend. And Scott? He had lost a beta.

They had all lost someone because the Dread Doctors had a science kink. Scott decided then that he was done. No one else would die, no one else would suffer because of the Dread Doctors. They'd fix Adam, and they'd get rid of the Dread Doctors. For good.

It was the least they could do to honour Lexi.


"Because Dad's not Dad."

The realization hit Lexi like a ton of bricks, and it took her a moment to recover. Marley was right. Adam was not Adam. She didn't know how, and most importantly, she didn't know who her father was now, but all she knew was that the man that led her to death was not Adam Reed.

Nicole seemed to know it, too, as she nodded with a sad smile on her face. "Your father would never disrespect the pack, let alone you. Your happiness meant more to him than some stupid prophecy. I meant more to him than that."

Lexi was having a hard time wrapping her head around the situation. If that wasn't Adam, then who was it? How did she not know this all these years?

"I-I don't understand," she spoke. Nicole lifted a hand and gently wiped under Lexi's eyes. Was she crying?

Nicole started to walk away, and for a moment Lexi feared she was about to lose her mom all over again. But then she looked over her shoulder, and beckoned Lexi to follow.

Nicole led her to a lake. She knew this lake, it was the same one she had swam and played in as a kid with all the other pups. Happy memories fought against bad ones. And in the strangest twist, they began to play out in front of her.

Lexi watched with wide eyes as the water of the river formed the images of her childhood. There she was jumping off rocks with Conrad and Emilia. Sara, Tyler, and she had lap races. Adam was teaching her how to swim for the first time. He laughed every time she tried to imitate his technique but ended up just splashing about.

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