Chapter Seven

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Lexi sat on Scott's bed with her legs held tightly against her chest as she so desperately tried to not be consumed by the whirlwind of thoughts that were swarming through her mind. Yesterday had been a hectic day for everyone, but it was especially hard on her. The one person she truly felt close to being knocked unconscious by the horrible father she ran away from; the people she trusted whom she thought trusted her breaking into the Sheriff's Station just to hear her interview, her secrets and her burdens all thrown into the air like it was nothing... To say Lexi was having a hard time coping was to undermine the situation dramatically.

As she tried to forget everything that had happened and failed miserably, Lexi found herself consumed by all different emotions. Yesterday everything had happened so fast, one bad thing after the other. She was too worn out to deal with any of it, zoning in and out without fully comprehending any of it. She remembered the heartbreak she felt when she saw the state Malia was in, the almost panic attack she experienced when she found out her father was here, and then the complete numbness that took over when she heard that Stiles, Lydia, Kira, and Liam had broken into the Sheriff's Station - but it was all blurry, nothing really sinking in. She hadn't had the chance to understand or feel completely. But this morning when she woke up it hit her like a cement truck, and she wished with all her heart she could go back to not feeling, to being numb, to being unaware. She didn't want to deal with the guilt of what happened to Malia, or the heartbreak of what happened at the station, or the fear of her father that was washing over her over and over again with every breath she took.

Perhaps that was what took the biggest toll on her. Not the guilt or the heartbreak, or even the embarrassment. But the fear. The constant fear that came from him, deep, dark, and grey. The one she had once loved the most was now the thing she feared the most, and that all in its own reached down her throat and gripped her heart with such force and aggression Lexi had clutch her chest as odd noises rose from her, her body doubling over. She hated how she felt about him, hated how the mere thought of her father could bring her to her knees. She had wanted to love him, she had wanted to be with him, she had wanted with everything in her to have a normal relationship with him. But after what she saw yesterday, after everything that happened, the thing she wanted most was to be free of him. Free of the fear, free of the guilt. Just to be free from Adam Reed.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, and Lexi sat up straight and fixed herself, wiping under her eyes and tugging her hair behind her ears before answering. "You don't need to knock, Scott. This is still your room."

The brown eyed boy popped his head from behind the door and gave Lexi a shy smile before fully stepping into the room. "Sorry, Lex. Just figured you needed your space after..." Scott stood next to the bed, scratching the back of his neck as he awkwardly trailed off. Lexi appreciated how kind and understanding he was being with her. She just wished that the voice in the back of her mind that had told her not to trust them in the first place hadn't gotten louder since yesterday. She wasn't sure if it was instinct, or just plain paranoia[.

"Thank you," was all she said.

Scott was quiet as he sat on the bed. Downstairs, Lexi could hear the faint sounds of Theo and Mrs. McCall talking. She prayed to God that certain four voices wouldn't join them soon.

"How's your, uh, your scars?" Scott asked.

She had almost completely forgotten about it. Lexi looked down at her side and lifted her shirt to inspect the injury. "Well, there's no blood on the bandage so I think it's safe to say the stitches haven't ripped." A white bandaged covered almost her entire side and half of her stomach, hiding the hideous marks left as a parting gift from her father. Lexi hadn't experienced any pain for almost two days, and since there was no blood seeping through the material she had assumed she had started to heal again. But when Scott asked to check it, and he lifted the bandage up, there was almost no change since Liam had her stitched up.

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