Chapter Six (part two)

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Stiles stumbled back as his hands reached to grip the jeep for support, trying to put as much space between him and this stranger as possible in the process. He found himself standing at the back of the jeep, in the position where he stood facing the man head on, but having the easy access to duck fully behind the jeep should this sudden situation go south as Stiles suspected it might. This, after all, was the same man who had hurt Malia just this morning, and if his assumptions were correct, the same man who had hurt Lexi a few days ago. This was the man who scared Lexi so much she felt safer in the hands of complete strangers than she did him. This was the man that had caused the scene of bloodshed that had Stiles' father going out of his mind trying to explain. This was the man whom Stiles knew nothing about, but whom he could still see was a very, very bad man. "Who the hell are you?" Stiles asked. "And how do you know my name?"

Just like as this morning, he was still covered in blood and dirt, with scratches and cuts all over his face, his clothes still a bloody mess. But while that struck terror in Stiles' heart, the man seemed unfazed by it, and he raised an eyebrow, his lips tilted slightly. "A bit rude, don't ya think, kid? Parents never teach you to respect your elders?" When he noticed Stiles was nowhere near amused, he continued on, rolling his eyes, but straightening his back and holding his head a little higher. "My name is Adam - Alpha Adam, to be more precise."

"An alpha that wants everyone to know he's an alpha, real nice," Stiles said sarcastically. "Now for the second question: how do you know my name?"

Adam's smug look continued on as he placed his hands in his pockets and began to pace around slowly. Stiles felt his heart rate quicken as Adam neared the animal clinic doors. Lexi and the pack were just on the other side of it. Stiles forced his heart to slow, knowing that if Adam heard or sensed his panic, it would all be over. Adam would take Lexi, and possibly kill everyone in the process. To his gratitude, his heart rate remained calm, and Adam walked away from the doors as he talked. "Oh, everyone knows about Stiles Stilinski," he said. "Well, more specifically, everyone knows about the Great and Righteous True Alpha, Scott McCall. They also know all about his pack members: Lydia Martin, Liam Dunbar, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate, and, of course, his best friend" he came to stand in front of Stiles, a smile on his face. "Stiles Stilinski."

Stiles was about to reply, when Adam continued on. "But I'm not everyone," he said. "And I know more than everyone else, too. It's my job, after all, to know what I'm dealing with. Call it a gift, if you will, or even a keen sense, but I tend to know much more than everyone else, Stiles."

Stiles felt his interest peak, and instantly felt horrible about it. He knew he shouldn't have been talking to Adam period, much less in such an informal way. The reasons were obvious - this guy was red level danger and Lexi was just a few meters away from where they stood - but still Stiles found himself standing there, listening to him when he should've ran for the hills screaming to warn the pack and Lexi. Perhaps it was inability to let things go, his constant need to know the truth that kept him there. Even though he had promised Malia to trust her and Scott's judgement (which he did), and all he saw in Lexi was a lost omega with family problems and trust issues, Stiles still needed to know for himself. Selfish it may be, but he grew up as a cop's son. He was raised to always second guess people, to not be blinded by false acts and performed speeches. What he was doing right then, questioning, finding out for himself, getting ever bit of information he could - it was a second nature for him, and it was hard to fight against. All Stiles knew was that answers to questions he had been asking himself since the day they found Lexi was standing right in front of him, and his interest levels were peaked beyond capacity.

"What do you know?" He asked, taking a step towards Adam so he was no longer cowering behind the jeep. Adam smirked at the site, fully aware Stiles was slowly falling into his trap.

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