Chapter Three

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Lexi fell asleep for about five minutes before she woke up to Stiles driving away from the sheriff's station with Scott in the front seat and Liam beside her. When she asked what was going on, all Scott said was that Lydia and Malia were going to get Kira and then meet them at Stiles' house. Lexi looked at Liam, giving him the pleading look so that he would hopefully give her more information, but he just shrugged and smiled. They didn't even question her about why she refused to into the sheriff's station.

Apart of Lexi was jumping for joy that she didn't have to go into the station, and it wasn't just because she was scared Adam was in there. Ever since she was a child Lexi had learned to fear authority - that was how her parents, especially Adam, raised her. To him people in charge weren't supposed to be honored or respected - they were to be feared. And she had learned repeatedly the punishment for not fearing your leader. Lexi didn't know if that was how it worked in this world, in this society, but she didn't want to take that chance. 

And as she thought about how she didn't want to risk it, how she didn't want to put herself in that position, Lexi realized that there were now allot of things she couldn't take a chance on. She was an under aged werewolf who ran away from her pack and her father. If Adam had his way, people would be looking for her. Heck, she could be a wanted fugitive with a nice sum of money on her head. She couldn't just do anything, or trust anyone, or go anywhere anymore. She had to be careful, extremely careful. She had to play it safe, but not safe enough that her father would be able to detect a pattern and then stalk her until he found her. No. She had to have a guard, 24/7, when she was awake and when she was asleep. She had to look out for herself.

In that moment she decided that the only people she could trust was Scott and his pack - but barely. It would be a long, long time before she even considered telling them anything near the truth.

In no time they pulled up to a double story brick house, which she presumed to be the Stilinski crib. As soon as the car was parked and the jeep was switched off, Stiles yanked the keys out of the ignition, got out the car, and slammed the door shut, Scott quickly following. Lexi tilted her head with crossed eyebrows, then turned to Liam. 

"What up with him?" She asked. When he took too long to answer, she went on, "My senses may not be as heightened as they should be, but I don't need them to know his pissed."

Liam laughed slightly, before he shook his head and unbuckled his seat belt, then leaning over to undo Lexi's. "His just in one his moods. He get's upset sometimes, no big deal. Just give him like five minutes, he'll be shooting sarcastic remarks at you like there's no tomorrow. Here, I'll help you out." 

He got out the car, ran to Lexi's side, and helped her as she tried to wiggle herself out without hurting herself too much. Pain ignited all along her side, and she gritted her teeth together to keep herself from crying out. 

Liam, who instantly was extremely concerned, advised her to stop moving. "Maybe you should stop for a second. Uh, I could call Scott, he could probably take some of your pain," he then reached back to scratch his neck awkwardly and looked down. "I would, but, uh, I don't know how."

"You don't know how?" Lexi questioned, crouching halfway out of the jeep. Taking away someone's pain was one of the first things she learned when her parents begun her training. Being the daughter of two alpha's was not easy, and her parents were determined to prepare her for any battle that may arise. Adam was always focused on her physical abilities - how fast she was, how agile she was, always focused on how she could have the upper hand in a fight. Her mother, however, as sweet and caring as she was, was more about Lexi's mentality and her heart - the little bit of humanity a beast like her could have. Her mother didn't want Lexi to be turned into the monster her father was. Her mother wanted Lexi to be the kind of leader people respected and honored, not because they feared her, but because they liked her, and she liked them. Thus, her mother taught her how to take away the pain of those injured or dying. 

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