Chapter Fifteen

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Listen to Aquilo for this chapter. Sorry, So Close to Magic, You There, Human, doesn't really matter, just listen to Aquilo.


The race to get to Lexi was on, and as Liam and Malia yelled relentlessly at Stiles to go faster, Parrish lead the charge with the deputy's vehicle's sirens screeching at people to get out the way. There was a determination set in each of their bones, in Liam, in Malia, in Stiles, in Scott, in Lydia, in Kira, even in Parrish. It was an odd sensation. A familiar one, but an odd one because it hadn't been there for a while. The sensation of unity, of a common goal lit each of their souls ablaze, and for the first time in a long time the pack mentality was fierce. It was a moment Liam wished he could've recorded in slow motion so that he could show Lexi the impact she had on the pack when they rescued her. Because they were going to rescue her. He refused to believe anything else, refused to have anything else as an option. She was going to be saved, and then they were going to go home and they were going to talk and he would tell her all the things his heart longed for and he would not stop until she knew everything. Theo would fail. Adam would not win. Because they were going to find Lexi, and they were going to bring her home.

"Can you go any slower?" Malia joked. Liam laughed.

"Shut up," growled Stiles. But his foot pressed a little harder on the pedal. He didn't care if Roscoe gave out. He just wanted to get to Lexi. They all knew that time was of the essence here, and the longer they took, the longer Adam and Theo had.

Stiles went faster.


Lexi knew exactly who the people in the masks were. She knew the moment she had seen them. Stiles had painted a vivid picture, and even Scott had sounded scared shitless that one time the conversation had come up. She knew what they were capable of. Liam had told her about the girl he went to middle school with who'd miraculously turned into a werewolf after she'd gone missing a few days. The only thing she didn't know was why Theo would know them, and why Adam would agree to letting them experiment on her.

Surely they'd do their weird Dread Doctor things and they'd find out that Adam and Theo were talking shit. That she wasn't a True Alpha, and that if this prophecy was real, she wasn't the werewolf it was talking about. They were scientists. Weird, extremely disturbed scientists, but scientists nonetheless. Despite the probing and the tools they were using to pick Lexi apart piece by piece, limb by limb, body part by body part, she hoped at least they would talk some sense into Adam and Theo.

She wondered why she could feel what they were doing. Clearly whatever was injected into her was enough to keep her from fighting back, but not enough to knock her out. She wished it had. Being dissected with no pain killers freaking hurt. It almost made her miss the scar.



"Where the hell is Parrish taking us? We've been driving for too long," Liam worried from the back of Stiles' Jeep.

"I don't know. We just gotta keep going until we get to her," said Stiles. He was trying to sound calm, trying to act like he had complete faith in Parrish, but he knew the truth. Liam was right. They had been driving for too long and they still weren't any closer to her. Anything could've happened to her. For all they knew, Adam had already skipped town with her. But that didn't seem likely as he had teamed up with Theo, and Theo's truck was still in Beacon Hills.

Stiles' blood boiled at the thought. He hated this. The two people he hated the most working together, and the worst part was they had let it happen. They had trusted Theo, and they had trusted Lexi on her own, and now she was gone and in the hands of two psychopaths.

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