Chapter Five

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After running for her life through the woods for hours, bleeding, sweating, and crying, and by this point, probably had some strange, sour odar wafting off her, Lexi was finally going to have a shower. Deaton advised her not to get her injury wet for twenty-four hours, explaining that it was mostly because it would hurt like hell, but also because they had no idea what on earth was going on with her. The fact that a trained doctor told Lexi he didn't have a single clue as to why she wasn't healing and why her shifting wasn't working did not strike the least bit of confidence in her. In contrast, it scared the living crap out of her. She was a born wolf, this was all she had ever known. And to not have it, even for twenty-four hours so far, was absolute and sadistic torture at its finest. But, before negative thoughts of losing her abilities forever could take hold, Lexi turned on the tap and began stripping.

Pain gripped her side as she lifted her shirt up and over her head, and threw it straight into the bin. It got worse as she moved to take off her pants, and this time, she couldn't help but wince aloud as she did. Immediately, someone was at the door, checking on her. "Lexi? Are you okay?" It was Liam.

"Fine," she said through gritted teeth, finally getting her pants off. She heard Liam mumble something about being right outside the door if she needed anything, but she couldn't exactly comprehend any of his words of comfort as she stripped off the bandage that was covering her injury and her eyes took in the horrific sight that was the side of of her stomach. She hadn't looked at her injury since she got it, and now, she wish she never had. She saw she had other scratches and bruises all over her body, but none as bad as the one that had put a barricade on her werewolf abilities.

Claw marks started from her back, just below her armpit, and stretched all the way around her waist and down to the top of her belly button. They went in deep, pink, meaty flesh exposed where the claws had ripped through her skin. It was still slightly wet, with black blood, she suspected, and shone slightly underneath the bathroom light. As she took it in, Lexi noticed that there was skin still hanging on for dear life in some places. Deaton had warned her about this, and told her too just allow it fall off on itself. But now that she saw the real thing, all Lexi wanted to do was cover it up and puke her guts out. Skin was literally hanging off her body and she was just supposed to let it fall of on its own. Adam did some serious damage on her, and as she inspected it, she felt herself grow with anger. Her fingers reached to touch the injury, but she drew back the second it started to burn. She almost decided to not go in the shower, knowing that it would hurt more than she could've ever imagined, but as soon as she took in all the blood and dirt that was smeared on her face and stained her hair, she rejected the idea. She looked absolutely horrible, and wanted to feel as human as possible as soon as possible.

Wanting to take her attention off the nightmare that was her stomach, Lexi abandoned her undergarments, and got in the shower. The second the water sprayed the least bit of liquid within a centimetre of her injury, she cried at out in agony, stepping so that the side that wasn't completely maltreated faced the shower. Once again, Liam had heard her cries, and was banging on the door. "Lexi?" He said, louder this time due to the noise of the shower. "Lexi, are you okay? Should I come in? Should I get Scott or Malia?"

Lexi wanted to roll her eyes, but decided not to. She had to remind herself that he was just trying to look out for her, just like the rest of the pack was. She just wished he didn't have to constantly worry about her being in pain when she could handle it. "Liam, I'm fine," she told him. "Don't worry."

"Are you sure?" He responded.

"Pretty sure," she shot back, sarcasm evident in her tone. It was quiet after that, so she suspected he stepped away from the door and did whatever it was he was doing in Scott's bedroom.

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