Chapter Sixteen

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I apologise in advance for this chapter. 

There are over 171,000 words in the English language. None of them could describe the feeling in the room that day.

The atmosphere had shifted. Suddenly, it wasn't enemies at war, but warriors defeated, because the entire reason for their battle was dead.

In his moment of grief, Liam had brought Lexi to the floor with him. She laid lifeless in his arms as he held onto whatever was left of her. He was crying. Crying so hard over her dissembled body, it hurt. It hurt physically and mentally, hurt so much he wished with everything that he couldn't feel a thing, couldn't feel how deeply her death was wounded him.

There was a gasp from Malia, a kind of breath that was released from deep within. Her soul knew all was not well. All had gone straight to shit.

Stiles' reaction was not as still. He screamed, just as Liam had. It wasn't a "No!", and it wasn't a "Lexi!" and it wasn't a "fuck!" It was a mixture. A kind of scream that expressed it all and more.

Scott screamed too, and for a moment, he and Stiles knew each other on a whole deeper level. Their mourn drew them to each other, drew them to go to her. Lydia and Kira, who were crying too, held onto Malia as she dropped to the floor. She couldn't hold it in any longer. None of them could.

"I'm going to kill you." It was Stiles. He was standing next to Liam, next to Lexi's dead body, and he was glaring straight at Theo and Adam. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

The Dread Doctors, as if to roll their eyes, were walking away. Walking away as if they hadn't just killed a perfectly innocent girl. "Where the hell are you going?!" Stiles screamed after them. He was about to lung, ready to attack them for what they done to her, but Scott held onto his arm. Now was not the time.

Theo watched on, as if in amusement. He didn't need Lexi for what he wanted. He didn't care if she was dead or alive, just as long as she was out of the picture. He had gotten what he wanted, and he wasn't shy to show it.

Adam was different. Adam didn't look happy. Had Stiles known better, he would've thought Adam looked sad. It pissed him off. He wanted to go off on him, wanted to scream at him and tell him this was all his fault. Adam was still Lexi's father, and despite everything she had still loved him in her last breaths. Screaming wouldn't bring Lexi back. Stiles just shook his head, and went to hold Malia.

She was mumbling something over and over again, and all the while Kira and Lydia kept telling her that it was okay, even though it wasn't. They let go, and let her collapse into Stiles arms. She was another one that was crying. Malia never cried.

"S-She's – She's gone. She's gone, Stiles."

Stiles closed his eyes, and then he was crying too, because hearing it out loud was so different, so much more real. "I know," was all he could say. And then he just held onto her and she held onto him, and they cried without shame, without holding back.

Lexi Reed was dead, and her pack was a mess because of it.


For as long as the earth has existed, humanity has questioned the afterlife. What comes after death, if there is even an after death at all? With all our good and all our bad, where are our souls destined? Every culture has their own idea of an after death, even werewolves.

But this...plane was not the one Lexi remembered learning about as a young pup.

Lexi had expected a cliché, a never ending whiteness so bright. Bright it was, but not white. She knew where she was. She'd know it anywhere. In her post-death spiritual state, Lexi stood in the very woods she grew up in. The sky was abnormally lit up, but she could not feel the sun's warmth. She couldn't feel anything. Not the slight breeze that breathed through the trees, nor the soft grass that ticked beneath her bare feet. What she could feel, however, was the purity of the place. Though it were the training grounds she grew up in, there had been no bloodshed, no heart break, no evil. It was earth as it was supposed to be. She was in a whole other plane of existence.

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