Chapter Fourteen

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The True Alpha of Beacon Hills and his faithful best friends arrived too late. All the rush, all the worry, all the "drive faster, Malia!" was for nothing. The woods were empty, and Lexi was nowhere to be found.

"Dammit!" Stiles cursed, kicking his foot against a rock, only to cry out in pain afterwards. Malia was by his side in an instant, asking if he was okay, but he just brushed her off. "She's gone. Either she's ran off or Adam's taken her."

Malia looked at him with wide, brown eyes. "No, we can't think like that. Not yet. She's only been missing a few hours."

"So she's missing now?" Stiles retorted.

Malia just shook her head. When Stiles was like this, in a state of distress, it was best to just leave him be. He believed what he wanted to believe – the most heartbreaking scenario that seemed to be the most realistic. But she couldn't think like that, especially now. Lexi meant too much.

"So what do we do now?" She asked. When Stiles didn't answer, she turned to repeat the question to Scott, but stopped when she saw him standing on the edge. He was shaking.

Malia approached him cautiously. He was muttering something over and over again, and the more he did it, the worse his shakes got. "Scott," she called to him softly. "Hey, Scott? You alright?"

"Buddy," Stiles tried. "Bro, you okay?"

But Scott could only continue muttering. The closer they got, the clearer Malia could hear: "It's all my fault."

Stiles heard it too; he reacted before she could.

"Your fault? What do you mean this is your fault?" He sounded concerned, like he was worried his best friend blamed himself for things that were out of his control. It wouldn't have been the first time. Scott had a habit of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders – of carrying a weight that didn't belong to him.

"I knew what Theo was going to do."

That changed everything.

At first, Stiles didn't believe what he was hearing, but then he asked Scott to repeat himself. And Scott did, the exact wording and everything. And then Stiles got angry.

"What do you mean you knew what Theo was going to do?" Stiles questioned, his attitude getting the better of him.

"Stiles," Malia sterned. But Stiles ignored her, and she was forced to watch on in dread.

"What do you mean, Scott?" Stiles gripped Scott by the shoulder. When he looked at him Scott was crying.

"He-He told me he wanted to test her. That, that we needed to be sure –"

"And you believed him?" Stiles bellowed. He flailed his arms around in anger. "God, Scott! Please, don't tell me you're saying what I think your saying."

"I didn't know he'd try to kill her. I didn't know he'd re-create what happened to me. But I knew he wanted to test her. I'm sorry –"

"Sorry?" Stiles repeated in disbelief.

Malia stepped forward. "Stiles, don't –

"Sorry? She almost died, Scott! I told you he was bad news. From the moment he got here I told you not to trust him!"

"I-I –"Scott stuttered out. He looked like a puppy that had just been kicked in the stomach.

Stiles' eyes softened, and all anger seemed to wash away as he saw his best friend in the entire world, the brother he'd take ten bullets for, look so innocent and so betrayed. Stiles reached for Scott, and pulled him into him. Scott fell into Stiles' arms without a moment of hesitation, and for the first time since Allison's death, he broke down.

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