Chapter 1: Back to School

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Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep 

I slammed my hand down hard on the alarm clock on my bedside table. I groaned angrily when the red blinking numbers on the clock read 7:00 am. I had 50 minutes to be up, dressed, breakfast and make the 15 minute walk to the bus stop.

I was not in the mood. Not only was waking up at seven o'clock in the morning a piss take but it was to get up for school. Well, at least it's the last year.

September 7th to June 17th then I'm out of school.

After getting dressed into my school uniform I looked in the mirror to do my hair. 

Jesus I look a sight.

My eyes were still half shut and my thick brown hair looked like a rats nest. I really need to go to bed earlier. After putting my hair in a high pony tail and looking slightly more human, thanks to hydration skin cream, I went down stairs.

"Morning mum" I say walking into the kitchen and giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Morning darling" she says "Sleep well?"

"Ummm" Apart from staying up till midnight watching 'Russell Howards Good News' "Yea fine thanks".

"Hmm your lips say one thing, the panda eyes say another" she said smirking at me.

Aw shit.

"Hun I'll be home at seven tonight because of work. I need you to pick up James from his after school club and would you please pop to the shop for some milk as well. Please." mum said getting out the box of Cheerio's out of the cupboard and poured them into a bowl.

"Ok mum".

"Thank you Madison" she said bringing me over the cereal, a small glass of water and my first two prescription pills of the day.

"Do you have a packet to take to school?" mum asked.

"Yes. I have a pack for lunch time and a spare to put in my locker just in case".

"Your a star" With that she put a ten pound note in my blazer pocket for the milk later.

James was my 7 year old brother. He would go to an after school club on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until mum could pick him up at five o'clock. I had to get up an hour before him so I could get the bus and mum would take him to his primary school at about quarter past eight.

After having breakfast and brushing my teeth I was nearly ready to go. I put on my blazer before I heard my phone beep. It was my best friend Rae.

From: Rae- "What's up bitch? LOL :)"


From: Maddison- "Feeling shit faced, tired :)"

From: Rae- "Late night? Ha. See u on the bus X"

I put my phone in my pocket and picked up my rucksack to leave.

"Bye mum" I say and she comes walking to the front door.

"Bye darling have a good day back at school" she says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I'll try.

I made my usual journey to the bus stop. I was about 15 meters away but nearly had a heart attack when I saw the bus already at the stop . . .

and about to leave.

"Oh no." I whispered under my breath and began to run.

When the bus started to move further away I started running at what felt like 70 miles an hour.

"WAIT, WAIT . . . oh shit, fuck, bollocks, WAIT." I yelled with my arms waving in the air and running at an incredible speed.

I thanked the Lord when the bus stopped.

"Thanks, sorry." I say getting on the bus.

"Brilliant start to the new school year." Mr Stone said sarcastically as I walked past. Mr Stone drove the school bus and the coaches for school trips. Not to mention that he could easily empty a McDonalds if he was given the chance.

Near the middle of the bus I sat next to Rae and gave her a hug.

"How do you feel about going back to school?" she asked.

"As long as I can get enough sleep and not look like I've been doing drugs from the bags under my eyes then I'll be fine". Me and Rae sniggered at my remark and chatted until we arrived at school.

After the usual 'Welcome back' and 'Hope you had a good summer' and 'This is your last year so work hard' announcements, you know all that shit, we went to home room to be registered.

The first part of the day dragged on and although I was really good in all my lessons I was struggling to get into the new timetable. Home room, two lessons of maths, two lessons of science and a single lesson of R. E. I was relieved when lunch time rolled around.

After getting a cheese and ham Panini and a fruit pot I sat at my old lunch table with my four best friends. Let me introduce the group.

Chloe- The oldest member, 18, definitely the girly one for her love hair and make up products, also the party and flirty girl. Most fancied member and turns the most heads but doesn't sleep around.

Lucy- Second oldest member, 17, quite geeky but still a big sweetheart. Loves reading and the only member who has a boyfriend (at the moment). Brilliant in all her classes.

Shelbie- Third oldest, 16 but 17 in October, most boy obsessed and often has a new boyfriend every few months. In kind words, she's sort of the slut of the group and gets sent out of class for starting bitch fights. A lot. Fairly good in all her lesson's.

Rae- Fourth oldest, 16 and 17 in December, slightly bigger than the rest of us but never takes it to heart. The come back queen of the group and doesn't take shit from anyone. (Whoa, You go girl). Enjoys drawing and is brilliant in art.

Last but not least . . . myself Madison- The youngest, 16, but with out a doubt the strongest. DEFFIENTLY the tomboy, the joker and the sportiest. Sometimes get sent out for fights but normally tries to stay out of trouble. Life ambition is to be an actress. Music is my life. I. LOVE. MUSIC.

While eating our food and talking about the lessons we just had, Shelbie started whacking her hands lightly on the table and squealing "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God".

"Jesus Shelbie have you had your medicine today." I said trying to contain m laughter at Shelbie's childish squeal.

The table erupted into a fit of giggles at my remark before Shelbie pointed past us.

"It's them. 'The Bad Boys' are coming" Shelbie said. 

She was acting as if we were at an Eminem concert.God, I would kill to see him live.

All five of us turned our heads to see the five lads coming down the foot path to the canteen like they where on a Catwalk, pushing, shoving and laughing at each other.

Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan. . .

. . . and Harry Styles.

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