Chapter 7: Medicine

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For the love of God why is HE here?

"Oh hey Madison" he said giving me a friendly smile.

As I had explained earlier I have no problem with him or any of the 'bad boys', it was just that I had never had a real friendship with them or even had an interesting, memorable conversation with them. In a way it could be considered a bad thing because I have been in the same classes with him, Harry, Niall and Zayn since primary school. My year waited a year to go to our primary school, because the building was being re-built and most of our parents went to the same school when they were younger, so some of us are a bit older than we ideally would be for year 11.

"Hey Liam" I said awkwardly "um . . . what are you doing here?"

Liam raised his eyebrow slightly at my question as if to say 'well, we are at the doctors so ideally to get medicine or for a check up'.

"New year for sports at school and I need to get a year supply of medicine" Liam said with a slight chuckle at the end.

I gave a small laugh too "Why would you need a lot of medicine?"

"Well . . ." he said running a hand through his hair "Do you know about my kidney problem?"

"Yea" I said. I did feel bad for Liam's kidney problem. It was bad during primary school. He always had to have injections to control the pain and missed so many days that the teachers said he was lucky to move up each year because he had missed out so much from being in hospital.

"I always do sports, I love it so much, and well at the beginning of the new school year, I per script painkillers, anaesthetic's and dissolvable injection needles to keep in the school's First Aid in case I have an unexpected kidney failure or I suffer an injury that could trigger an attack" he explained.

"Aww poor baby" I said with low voice and giving his arm a light punch.

"It's cool, it's defiantly a lot better now than it was when I was younger".

"Oh God I remember. It was terrible I worried so much about you, especially when you had to be taken away in the ambulance in year 3".

"Yea I remember that" he chuckled lightly "I had to have 5 injections on the way there to the hospital. I was panicking because they were trying to inject me while they were driving at 40 miles an hour".

We both laughed lightly remembering the event although I didn't see the need to laugh but I guess it made it a little less upsetting for him.

His smile weakened a little after making a realization. "So . . . what are you doing here, Madison?"


"Um . . . I am here . . . because . . ."

Think you dumb bitch, THINK.

" . . . my mum had diarrhoea and we are getting medication".

Dumb ass.

Liam's facial expression made it clear that he wasn't excepting that and it was clear that he was struggling to believe what I had just said.

"Oh right . . ." he said "Well, I hope she feel's better soon".

"Cheers Liam".

Looking down the corridor I saw my mum and James leaving Doctor Thornton's room. I heard him say 'I'll see you soon Mrs Jackson'. He looked beyond the door and saw me with Liam.

"See you soon Madison" Doctor Thornton said.

"See you Doc" I replied.

"Hey honey" mum said approaching me. I nodded my head fore ward as if to say 'hi' but her attention was focussed on the guy in front of me.

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