Chapter 17: Journey home

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For another hour we walked around the shops of the towns and spoke to the workers and asked question's regarding weather they thought tourism benefited the economy. By this point I had lost all interest but still sounded lively to the workers.

I was so happy when three o'clock rolled around because we were going home. Niall, Harry and I had managed to get our seats at the back again and within five minutes we had started the forty minute journey back to the school.

I rested my head back on my seat and stared out the window and watched the other vehicles next to us. My head began to droop forward as I fought to keep my tired eyes open.

(Harry's P. O. V.)

Niall, Madison and I were not as talkative this time on the coach, before mine and Madison's spat. A days worth of walking had taken it's toll on us and we were exhausted.

I looked over had Niall and he had put his head phones in again. I looked over at Madison who was staring out the window and fighting to stay awake.

"Mads?" I said and she managed to snap awake.

"Yea Harry" she said.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Harry honestly I'm just so tired I actually think I'm going to fall asleep" she said sounding tired.

I thought for a moment about weather or not I should ask if she want to lean on me and close her eyes but I didn't want her to think I was making a move. Because I wasn't. Well sort of but . . . she doesn't need to know it. I decided not to when she leant back in her seat and stared out the window again.

"Just remember what Niall and I said earlier" I said refreshing her tired mind "The journey home always feels shorter than the journey there".

She smiled and gave my arm a gentle punch.

After five more minutes Madison's head began to drop again but this time she didn't fight it. Rather than lean on the window Madison allowed her head to hang forward and she actually started to lean towards me.

She snapped out of her sleep when she leant over to the right and her head hit my shoulder.

"Oh God sorry Harry" she said sitting straight up in her seat.

"Don't worry" I said. I took this as my chance to offer her my shoulder. "Look Mads. If you want to, I don't mind you leaning on my shoulder and closing your eyes. I'll wake you up when we get to the school".

She looked at me with a bit of a funny expression. "I don't know Harry . . ."

I knew what it was. She didn't want people looking over at us and saying things. "People aren't going to say anything" I said making my feelings clear. "If people want to say something then we just tell them you were tired and needed some shut eye. That's the truth".

It took her a moment to think but Madison rested her head on my shoulder and shifted in her seat so she was laying side ways. She closed her eyes and relaxed.

But the more relaxed she became the more her body began to slip and she once again woke up when her head jolted forward. "Okay that's not going to work" she said sitting up.

I thought for a moment. I liked her being so close to me and I wanted her back on me. I unzipped my black hoodie and pulled it off. I rolled it into a neat ball and placed it on my lap. I patted my hand on it indicating for her to rest her head on my lap.

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