Chapter 2: 'The Bad Boys'

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All the girls, and even a few boys, turned their heads at the approaching 'Bad Boys' as they entered the canteen like angels coming down from heaven. 

Although they wore the same school uniform as the other boys of black trousers, light blue shirts and black blazer's with the school logo on it, they still managed to stand out in a crowd. I recon if they were allowed to wear there own clothes, it would be along the line of skinny jeans, cool casual shirts, killer coats. Even their hair styles were so amazing they could pose for a photo shoot. The lads were undeniably attractive and could make any style their own. Not to mention the photo shopped masculine like bodies. Even when they were pushing one another and giving each other piggy backs it was sexy.

Errrr . . . I mean . . . according to everyone else. Ha. Not me.

Before we go any further, allow me to introduce 'The Bad Boys'.

Louis- The oldest member, 18, the funny one. The one often sent out of class although a big sweetheart at best. Had to retake year 11. Like's drama and isn't shy to do crazy shit, like show his naked rear end to the school's head master. Ha, I remember that.

Zayn- Second oldest, 17, the mysterious one. Very artistic and, like Chloe, is obsessed with his hair. Quite shy at first until he is settled, brilliant in English, doesn't take shit from anybody who talks about his religion. Considered the bad boy of the group.

Liam- Third oldest, just turned 17, the sensible one.  Very sporty and often performs in the school shows, nicknamed the peace keeper for his calm and mostly positive attitude towards everything and everyone, even to the dickhead assholes that take the piss cause he has an ill kidney. Dicks.

Niall- Fourth oldest, 16 turning 17, the cute one. Originated from Ireland, in many ways the most innocent, incredible on the guitar. A BIG sweetheart who could do no wrong, loves his food, a geography brainy ace. Adored by all.

Last, but CERTAINETLY not least, Harry- Nicknamed the baby of the group, 16, the flirty one. Brilliant in maths and loves cooking. Often seen kissing a different girl every month, cocky in class, great in sport and called by every girl in the school . . . a 'Dream Babe'.

I could her all the girls around me saying how hot they thought all the boys looked, how the summer sun had mad them hotter and how much they wanted them.

"Oh God I love Niall." Rae said. Chloe, Shelbie, Lucy and I all turned our heads to look at her resting her face on her hands as she gazed at Niall and the lads lining up to get their lunch.

"I'm not gonna lie he is adorable." Chloe said "But I would kill for a song of Zayn."

"You know what I heard." Lucy said "That he had his first kiss standing on a brick cause the girl was taller than him."

We all started the giggle a little and imagined a smaller Zayn standing on a brick, trying to balance, while kissing this tall girl.

"Where did you hear that?" I asked

"In my art class. I heard him tell Louis, I was only sitting in front of him." she told us.

Shelbie spoke up. "I would happily do any of them but Louis is the one who makes my heart stop."

"Of course you wouldn't mind doing any of them, you would do the P. E teacher if you had the chance." I said joking and we all erupted into laughter. Shelbie seemed a bit taken back.

"Hey, I wouldn't." she said her voice rising a bit.

"You said that about Tyler Road." Chloe said "And a month later you where caught giving him head in the disabled toilets". The whole table burst into a new fit of laughter, even Shelbie couldn't hide her grin.

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