I'm Trying

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I'm trying so hard

Not to cut on my arm

Just to see if I'll feel anything

I'm trying so hard

Not to get out a pen

And start writing

those letters again

I'm trying so hard

Not to take the pills

And get addicted again

Because I love the way

they make me feel

I'm trying so hard

To push my feelings down

And keep everyone happy

Because everyone else's happiness

Means more than my own

I'm trying so hard

Not to break promises

Because if I do

Everyone will start watching

And inspecting me

I'm trying so hard

To keep myself from liking you

Reminding myself of what

You put me through

I'm trying so hard

To be nice to everyone

But sometimes being mean

Seems like more fun

I'm trying so hard

To fake a smile

So that no one sees

My tear stained cheeks

I'm trying so hard

To block out the monsters

The voices

And the demons

I'm trying so hard

To just live

And be free

I'm trying so hard

Just to be happy

But I don't think I ever will be

Hey everyone!! I hoped you liked this poem

My updates might start slowing down from school and stuff but please stick with me.

Song recommendation: In the End by Linkin Park

There's someone out there who loves you


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