Doing this is the only thing I can control
I control where the blade goes
How much pressure I push down on the razor
And where I want more blood to flow
I control where the water seeps in
Where the soap stings my skin
This is the only thing where I can choose what I want
Where do I want scars
How many scars I want
And whether or not I even want to cut
I know I shouldn't harm myself
I know I promised you and myself
I know that everything will be fine in the end
But I can't seem to see it
I can't see a perfect world
When I know there can never be one
If there's not a perfect world
Then why do we dream it?
I dream of a place
My perfect place
But I know it doesn't exist
Not on this Earth
Nothing's perfect
There is no perfect
Perfect is an opinion
Not a fact
So why do we dream
Of perfect
When there is no perfect
Perfect is an imperfection
These scars are imperfections
Like the acne on ones face
But in some's opinion
Imperfections are what make us beautiful
So yes I put this blade on my arm
Or I put a razor to my thigh
Old habits die hard
And bad habits are hard to break
But isn't it these bad things that make us human
Aren't these scars that I carry make me
Who I am
I chose to do this
I made this decision
If it's a mistake
Well oops to late
There's already blood
Running down my hand
I know you care
And I know you think that I don't
And saying you care doesn't mean that you do
Actions speak louder that words
Isn't that true?
So if you truly cared
You should've been there
You should've stopped me
Or at least talk to me
Force something out of me
If you ask what's wrong and I say
"I'm tired"
Don't be like everyone else and say
"Try to get more sleep"
I'm not tired from lack of sleep
I'm tired of this
I'm tired of life
I'm tired of all the strict rules
I'm tired of not being able to really choose what I do
But I can choose this
I can make the decision to
Put the knife to my wrist
Or a gun to my head
I can make the decision to
Shove pills down my throat
Or put a rope around my neck
But you have a choice to
You can choose to get me help
You can choose to call me
You can choose to invite me over
Or just talk to me
An if you can't handle it get an someone who can
I choose to harm myself
You can decide to watch me die slowly
and become numb
Or you can help
While you still can
Hey everyone!!!!! I hoped you liked this. We all make decisions in our lives and sometimes we make the wrong choice. If you know someone who's doing the wrong thing don't just sit there and wait for someone else to help, go help them yourself. Talk to them. Invite them over. Help them find a different way to fight life or whatever that's making them depressed and suicidal. And if you're reading this an you're the person that needs help. Just know that I am here. If you wanna talk I am here to help you. I will not judge you. And if you think that know one loves you you are incorrect because I LOVE YOU even if I don't know you. Stay strong
There's someone out there who loves you
Pens, pencils and poems
PoetryJust my poems maybe song lyrics. And everyone reading this is beautiful in their own way. If you ever need someone to listen to your story and/or your problems I am here for you. If you want I can dedicate a poem to you or I can write one about your...