Chapter 20 The honey moon

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I fell asleep in nicks arms the last thing i remember is being on a plane and nick playing with my hair . I hadn't felt well i could tell nick was worried he had carried me to a beautiful hotel room with a ocean view . I woke up smelling the ocean breeze and the sun rising and nick naked ,I giggled and flung a hair tie at his bare ass and laughed when he screamed like a girl" I didn't do it" I couldn't keep the grin off my face and fell over laughing .

*Nick's pov*
I yelled loudly and saw a giggling Demi I chuckled and tickled her until she made out with me . I love her so much she's world and I don't no where I would be with out her .

*Demi's pov*
"So what are we doing today handsome "I asked and then smiled.

*Nick's pov*
Well we are gonna go scuba diving and then go eat lunch somewhere special and then we can figure out the rest from there.

*on the boat*
I was so excited to be swimming with tropical fish i always wanted to I put the scuba gear on and giggles I looked like a nerd with the big goggles on . I tried walking with the scuba flippers on I fell off the boat and screamed as I felt a sharp pain go through my foot the next thing i knew there was blood and people surrounding me ,I passed out from the pain n blood loss .

Here's a update I'll update later tonight
Stay Strong I love u guys

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