Chapter 23 The call...

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It was 5:30 am when I got the call..... The call that would change my life forever .

*I answered the phone and was so tired *"hello?" I said in to the phone*

"Hey it's doctor Peterson, your tests came back positive , I'm sorry demi you have breast cancer ".

* hours after the call I just sat in my living room crying I had stage Two breast cancer , I was still in shock. I called the one person who I needed the most *

Nick: "Hey what's up?"
Me: "Can you come over please "
Nick: "give me 10 and I'll be over , do you want anything from the store?"
Me: No just come over please , can you call my mom and everybody please
Nick: yea sure ,is everything alright?
I didn't answer I just started to sob. How doc I tell my love that I have cancer ? How was I going to tell my fans and my family ?

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