Chapter 8 Life on the road

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*Demi''s Pov*

"After the show I changed in to sweatpants and a tank top and my cowboys hoodie and my ugg boots, I walked with Max and my team to the bus. My fans were screaming and yelling my name. I went over to the fence and took pics with them and made a keek video. I signed some, posters and waved bye and headed to the bus. I wasn't feeling that well I climbed up the steps and went to the back to where I had my own small room, it had nice bed. The team slept in the bunks. I put the purse and water bottle down . I charged my phone and took my boots off and laid down. Ipulled my pink blanket over me and slept"

*Dianna's Pov*

"I was so happy for Demi. she had a great show she did a amazing. I had walked to the back of the bus and knocked on the door " Demi you awake still ?" I waited for a answer "

*Demi's Pov*

I heard my moms voice I felt sick "Yes I'm awake mom what's up?"

*Dianna's Pov*

"You okay sweetie " I walked over to her and felt her head" sweetie your burning up, I'll make you some tea okay  " I kisses her head and grabbed a cup and put water in it. I put it in the microwave and heated it up and took it out. I put a tea bag and milk and sugar and stirred it. I carefully walked back to Demi and put the tea down carefully " have some tea sweetie, I'll talk to the team about rescheduling the interviews for tomorrow " I covered her up and dimmed the lights and walked out and closed the door half way and talked to the team "

*Next day*

*Demi's Pov*

I still felt like shit all I wanted to do was sleep all day.  I woke up around 3 AM and I ran to the bathroom and puked. I cried softly my stomach was so upset my period was late I texted Wilmer "•Hey are you up??? I need to talk to you -D•

*Wilmer's Pov *

"I got a text from hermosa. I smiled and texted back" •Hey! love I'm awake what's wrong????  do you need me to fly to you ?•

*Demi's Pov*

I coughed and cleaned my face up and flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth and texted Wilmer back" •I think I'm pregnant... My period is late.... Yes can you fly to me? I'm almost in Texas•

*Wilmer's pov: I got worried about Demi. We only had sex once but I didn't use a condom and texted her back"• I'll bring you a test okay. I'll be on a flight in a hour okay .I'll see you In a little while okay try to get sleep I love you 💋💜•

*Demi's Pov:"I smiled at his text and went back to sleep, knowing that my love of my life was gonna come see me •

*Later that morning *

*Holly's Pov: I had noticed that everybody was up but Demi. so I walked to the back of the bus and quietly opened the door and rubbed her back"•demi you gonna get up and eat its 9:30 am •

Demi's Pov: I yawned tiredly and nodded at Holly and sat up slowly •Holly can I talk to you but close the door please •

Holly 's Pov: Yea sure "I said" I got up and closed the door and set back down " what's up ?

Demi's Pov: *I sniffled a little " Holly I think I'm pregnant.. My period is late.. Wilmer is coming to see me ,he's bringing me a pregnancy test. can you tell everybody that I wanna be alone for a few hours "

Holly's Pov: *I looked at Demi and hugged her "ok but you need to eat first. did you want me to stay with you and Wilmer?

Demi's Pov: hugged holly back" yes please It will be awkward with just me and Wilmer and have Marissa stay here to"*I put my glasses on*

Holly's Pov: "Okay" I said and got up and told everybody that Demi wanted to be alone for a few hours and for Marissa to stay " 

* A few hours later with Demi Wilmer Marissa and Holly *

Demi's Pov:"I was in my bathroom with the pregnancy test. I peed on the stick and waited five mins. after the five mins was up I opened the door and held the test the test was ....."

"Authors Pov"

Hey guys here's a cliff hanger for ya :) 5+ votes I hope you like the update


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