Chapter 6 Jessica's Death

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*Demis Pov*

I'm so excited for tonight. Tonight is the first show of the NEON LIGHTS TOUR,  but I was also sad because there was some special who was missing from my life that was Jessica. I had found out a few hours ago that Jessica had killed her self. I now have three nightingales that look over me. The first one is my cousin Trenton , who killed himself. My second nightingale was my dad Patrick, He died from a Cancer ,  now was 15 almost 16 year old Jessica. I wish I could go back in time and save her ... " I wrote in my diary as tears fell down my cheeks on to the pages , I kissed the picture of Jessica and put my diary away. Iheaded over to my hair and make up stylist Jill Powell. She makes me look like a punk ass bitch, but with a side of cuteness .I sat in the chair fighting my tears I knew Jill would ask what was wrong.

"Jill's Pov"

I was to do Demi's makeup but when I saw the tears in her eyes, I held her and whispered in her ear * " Stay Strong, Stay Strong, Stay Strong don't let them get to you . YOU  ARE A WARRIOR. I know you don't want to upset your Lovatics " I felt her nod her head . I wiped her tears away and did her hair and make up and sent her on her way to wardrobe.

" Demi's pov"

I smiled at Jill's words I walked with max to my dressing room ,I didn't talk much as soon as I got to my dressing room . I changed in to a white dress with black studs on them. I put on my white scarf and earrings and some heels. Tonight I was gonna dedicate the show to my three nightingales as soon as I heard a knock on the door I yelled" who is it? I said there was no answer so I yelled again " who is it if you don't speak I'll call security "

"Madison's Pov"
I giggled at Demi's voice and did a deep voice " I am your father now open up " I stood there giggling "

"Demi's Pov"

I laughed and opened the door and hugged Maddie " gurl don't scare me like that I really have to go to sound check do you wanna come ?

"Maddie's pov"

Ok "I squaled and walked with Demi ,Max and Marissa , I was so proud of my sister she was a warrior and she new nothing could bring her down

*sound check Demi's Pov"

I heard my fans chanting my name and smiled , I put my earpieces in and grabbed my mic and walked on stage. I waved to my fans, I smiled to my screaming fans "how y'all doing tonight ?" They screamed "good" this song I'm about to sing is very special to me .I have never sang it before " once I heard the beginning of Nightingale I sang "I can't sleep tonight wide awake and so confused, everything's in line but I am bruised. I need a voice to echo, I need a light to take me home. I kinda need a hero , is it you ?  I've never see the forest for the trees, I could really use your melody, baby I'm a little blind I think it's time, for you to find me, can you be my nightingale, Sing to me I know your there ,you can me my sanity .but bring me peace sing me to sleep, say you'll be my nightingale " I stared to cry just thinking about my three nightingales I heard my fans sing with me I said in to the mic " I now have three nightingales and continued to sing "somebody speak to me, cause I'm feeling like hell, need you to answer me, I'm overwhelmed, I need a voice to echo. I need a light to take me home, I need a start a follow . I don't know . I've never see the forest for the trees.I could really use your melody. Baby I'm a little blind . I think it's time for you to find me . Can you be my nightingale ? Sing to me I know you're there. You can be my sanity, but bring me peace .Sing me to sleep, say you'll be my nightingale . I don't know what I'd do without you .Your words are like whisper come through . As along as  you are here with me tonight, I'm good. Can you be my nightingale? Feels so close. I know you're there. Oh-Oh-Oh NIGHTINGALE SING TO ME I KNOW YOU'RE THERE, CAUSE BABY YOUR MY SANITY , YOU BRING ME PEACE SING ME TO SLEEP .SAY YOU'LL BE MY NIGHTINGALE OH

I started sobbing as soon as I finished the song

"After sound check"

I walked to my dressing room and sat on the couch and cried my eyes out. I wanted my three nightingales with me right now. I picked my phone up and called my mom

"Dianna's Pov"

I picked up the phone. "Hello ?

"Demi's Pov"

Mom I need you here please

"Dianna's Pov"

As soon as I heard Demi crying I said to her " I'm on my way okay ,I'll be there in 5 mins " I Hung up sped to the staples center. I parked my car and locked it and ran to the doors , I showed the guys my pass and looked for Max. I followed him as soon as I got to Demi's dressing room.I knocked on her door I heard a faint "come in " I opened the door and held Demi " it's ok sweetie mommy's here

"Demi's Pov: I cried in to my mom. As soon I was I calmed down. I wiped my ruined make up and sniffled* "I sang nightingale at sound check... I miss them mom "

"Diannas Pov: I know sweetie ,but were gonna get through this. I'll go get Jill so she can fix your make up and hair ,  you go get changed okay, I'll be waiting outside the door for you . I'll walk you to meet and greet "

*Meet and Greet*

I changed in to black jeans with heels and a lace bra , with my white Rolling Stones shirt. I had my hair was straight . I had black eyeliner and mascara on. I had a light brown eye shadow with pink lip gloss. I waited for my first fan to come in and I smiled at her and hugged her , we took the picture. After about 2 hours I went to get changed for the show "

"Authors Pov "

I hope you like the update 😊


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