Chapter 15 Surgery

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*Madison's pov*
*I woke up in a hospital room with Ivy's in my hand and wires on me i had a oxygen thing in my nose i saw mom and Demi and dad sleeping i poked Demi's nose and giggled *

*Demi's pov*
*I woke up and saw Maddie awake i hugged her carefully * "hi baby girl how are you feeling ? "

*Madison's pov*
" I'm feeling ok my back hurts "*I saw a dr walk in i got nervous and looked at Demi *

*Dr David *
*I walked in to Madison's room and smiled at her * "hi Madison i'm dr David i'm going to be preforming your back surgery today are you in any pain right now?"

*Madison pov*
Wait what? i'm having surgery ?! *I yelled and started to cry i didn't want surgery * I'm in pain but why do I need surgery ?

*Dr David's pov*
Your back is severely curved and that's why your in pain all the time where gonna put a rod in your spine to help it your back get straight

*3 hours later after surgery *

*Demis pov*
I sat in the waiting room with mama and Eddie i looked at my phone it's been three hours since they took mads to surgery i started to pace and bite my nails i saw the dr walk over to us i stood next to mom and Eddie "how is she?

*Dr David's pov*
she's ok she's in recovery you can go see her fallow me *i walked to Madison room were she was sleeping on her back with pillows under her back* " the surgery went very well she wi be awake in a few hours if you need me just press the red button in the remote next to her bed * I walked out and went to check up on my other patients

* authors pov*
Here's a update for you guys I've been busy with school

"Stay Strong " -Demi Lovato

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