Chapter 16 Demi's World Tour starts (surprises to come)

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*Demis Pov*
Today is the day ! the World tour starts I'm so excited but nervous I get to meet my lovatics * I finished writing in my diary and put it in my bag and zipped it up and picked up Isabella who was fussing I pulled my right boob out and put my nipple in her mouth and felt her suck on it I bit my lip hard that fucking hurts *

I played with her little fingers she had my eyes and Wilmer's hair color but she had my curly hair ,she had my nose and lips and alittle bit of mine and Wilmer's facial features mixed. I watched her eat and smiled i'm excited because Nick and Isabella and Maddie are coming with me for the whole tour *
*Maddie's Pov*
I didn't want Demi to leave today but she promised I could go with her mom said it was ok that I could go I ran to Demi's room giggling and sat next to her excited and watched her feed Isabella, Demi is a good mom , I hate the fact that Wilmer cheated on her but Nick loves her and Isabella and I know that he will protect her and Isabella.

*Nick's Pov*
I looked at engagement rings at a expensive jewelry store , I wanted to get the perfect ring for Demi we have known each other for a long long time and I know that I want her to be my wife . I want to have more kids with her and help her raise Isabella, Wilmer is a duche bag for cheating on Demi I  remember it like it was yesterday.

*flash back*

A very pregnant and hormonal Demi waddled down stairs and made breakfast she smiled at Wilmer and kisses him" morning handsome , are you doing anything today ?

I gave Demi a hateful glare but she didn't notice *lied to her* yea i have to go to the office for a emergency meeting why don't you go get dressed and i'll call nick to have him bring you to your doctors appointment i don't want you driving * kisses her head and watched her go upstairs *

I waddled upstairs and felt Isabella kick i smiled and got dressed in a maternity shirt and pants i did my make up and hair and put my Ugg boots on and put my phone and keys in my purse and put my light jacket on and waddle down stairs and sat on the couch .

*after the doctors appointment *

I helped Demi in to the car and closed her door and got in to the drivers side and closed the door and put my seatbelt on and started the car.You wanna get something to eat or do you want me to bring you home? I could tell she was exhausted and stressed.

*As soon as Demi left i called Hayley and told her to come over i waited for Hayley in the living room i saw her car pull in to the drive way and saw her walking up the drive way i opened the door and kissed her roughly i had a raging hard on i wanted to fuck her so bad i carried her to mine and Demi's room and ripped her clothes off and kissed every inch of her body*

can you take me home so i can change and then we can go eat something * I rubbed my almost 9 month belly and felt Isabella kick i knew she was hungry as soon as we got to my house i saw a black mustang in the drive way i figured it was just Bayley cause Wilmer is downtown at the office i'm so proud of him for managing his own company i unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my purse and let Nick open my door i giggled and got out and thanked him and waddled to the door i was out of breath i unlocked the door and walked in and wait for Nick .

I moaned and thrusted in to Hayley i made her yell and moan my name i was close to cuming i didn't hear the front door open .

I waddled up stairs to my room and saw Wilmer fucking another girl i yelled at him * YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE I HATE YOU IM DIVORCING YOUR ASS AND YOU CAN NEVER EVER MEET OR COME NEAR ISABELLA AND ME * i cried and slapped him and walked fast out the room and down stairs crying *nick lets go * i waddled to the car sobbing and got in and slammed the car door shut and cried my eyes out *

*Wilmer *
I held my cheek and yelled for Demi to come back i looked down and felt bad
i continued to fuck Hayley and we both came at the same time.

I ran after Demi and got in to the car with her and rubbed her hand * what happened up there? i asked * i could tell she was hurt i wiped her tears away

*I cried harder and looked at nick * I saw Wilmer banging another girl... can i stay with you for a while? but i don't have anything to wear * i looked at my hands crying and felt nick hold my hand i sniffled and held his back and smiled a little i felt safe for the time in forever*

Yes you can stay with me as long as you want , i will have your mom get you some of your clothes but for now you can wear my boxers and shirts ok *i drove to my place and held Demi's hand and smiled as i felt Demi hold my hand back*

*End of Flash back*

*Nicks Pov*
I picked out a beautiful ring and payed for it and walked to my car holding the bag with the box that had the ring in it for Demi i drove back to my place and parked the car and walked in side* honey i'm back were are you? I put the box in my jacket pocket and hung my jacket up and walked up stairs and smiled * hi my beautiful girls * pecked Demi's lips and kissed Isabella's head and hugged Madison and sat next to Demi and smiled *we have to go soon honey

*Demi's Pov*
I carefully pulled a sleeping Isabella away from my boob and burped her and put my boob back in my bra and fixed my shirt* ok i'm already packed and I packed clothes for you and Isabella I just gotta put her in her carseat and get my shoes and jacket on and get her diaper bag. I carefully put her in to her pink carseat with her pink jacket and little boots on she had her long sleeved footie pjs I buckled her up and put her blanket on her I put my socks and shoes on and my jacket and handed nick the diaper back and the lighter suite case and walked to the car i pulled down the lid to Isabella's carseat so the paparazzi wouldn't see her face i put my sunglasses on and opened the back door to the SUV and put her carseat in to the holder and put the seat belt around her carseat so it would stay still i put the suit cases in the trunk and helped Madison in to the back and closed the door and got in to the passenger seat and waited for nick .

*Nick's Pov*
I put my jacket on and grabbed the keys and Demi's purse and set the house alarm and locked the door and got in to the car and closed the door and handed Demi her purse and started the car and backed out of the drive way and drove to the air port* you excited baby ? *i asked Demi and chuckled at her *

*Authors pov*
Sorry for the late update i've been busy with school and exams i hope you like make sure to vote if you like to fallow me on Twitter and Instagram and tweet me how you like the story or any suggestions that I could put in the story or write more stories, you can tag /DM me on Instagram and tell me how you like the story so far and if I should make changes to it , i'll put my user names below. Make sure to vote i'll update tonight if I get 20+ votes
"Stay Strong" - Demi Lovato



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