Chapter 10 Morning sickness

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*Demi's pov*

I woke up around 3 am puking fucking hate morning sickness it sucks after I was done puking I brushed my teeth and climbs back in to bed with Wilmer and cuddled in to his side and fell asleep

*8am *

*Holly's pov*

I quietly walked to the back of the bus and jumps on Demi and Wilmer "get up lazy asses " I laughed at their reactions and started running

*Demi's pov*

I got woken up by holly and I was really pissed everybody knows not to get up before 12 I chased holly off the bus cursing and yelling at her and grabbed her shirt -"DONT WAKE ME UP AGAIN " I went back to the bus mad and went back to bed I was in a very bad mood and called my dr to come do a ultra sound on me

*Dr B's pov*(made up )

I knocked on Demi's tour bus door and stood there till somebody opened the door

*Demi's Pov*

I waddled to the door and opened it and smiled -hey dr B come -I helped her on to the bus

*Dr B's Pov*

I smiled back at Demi " we're did you wanna do the ultra sound at? "

*Demi's pov*

"We can do it in my bed room at the back of the bus " I said

*Dr B's Pov*

Ok " I said and followed demi back I her room and puts the equipment down on the floor" if u can lay down and pull ur shirt up to ur bra so I can put the gel on ur belly "

*Demi's pov*

I laid down in pain my back was killing me and pulled my shirt up to my bra and shuttered at the cold Gel " geez that's cold

*Dr B's pov *

I giggled and moved the wand around on Demi's stomach and smiled "we'll you 4 months pregnant do you wanna no the sex of the baby?"

*Demi's pov*

"Yes please I wanna no "

*Dr B's Pov*

It's a .....

*Authors pov*

Here's a new update sorry for the shitty updates I've been working and going to treatment hope u like it -Jess

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