Chapter 17 Demi World Tour pt 2

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*Demi's pov*
"We got to the air port early we didn't have to be at our gate till 6:20am it's only 5:30am Isabella and Maddie were sleeping in the back i took a picture and posted it on Twitter and insta" my two beautiful girls sleeping gotta love life "
i held Nick's hand smiling "

*on the plane*

*Nick's Pov*
I helped Demi put Isabella's car seat on the plane seat and sat next to Demi who was across from Madison and Isabella , I felt Demi lay her head on my should I smiled and kissed her head " get some rest honey your gonna need it " I covered her up with her blanket and watched her fall asleep I fell asleep after she did .

*Maddie's pov*
I heard Isabella crying I woke up and picked her up and shook Demi carefully " Demi Isabella's hungry "

*Demi's pov*
"I groaned tiredly and took Isabella and put her on my boob and covered her and my boob up with my blanket and felt her sucking i yawned and rubbed Isabella's little hand. A little while later i felt her fall asleep i carefully pulled her away and put my boob back in my bra and laid her on my chest and leaned the seat back and rubbed her back softly "

*Authors pov*
Here's a update sorry about not posting lately I've been recording music and stuff let me no what u think
10 votes and I'll update tonight

- Jess
Stay strong

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