Chapter 24: Cancer

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* The call I had just gotten changed my life. I would have to start get a double mastectomy and chemo and radiation , I was still on tour, I had sat down with the tour manager and had told her what's going on *
The word Cancer never left my mind , I blocked everybody out and just sat there on the floor in tears *

"I have to cancel the rest of tour, I want to refund my Lovatic's and send them some merch as a sorry "* I went on twitter a few days later *

To my Lovatic's,
A few days ago I found out I had stage Two breast cancer, my team and I have decided after a long battle to cancel the Remainder of my tour.. I'm deeply sorry , the next few weeks are going to be tough , I will keep you posted , I love you all so much.
XOXO ,Demi.

*I posted the tweet I felt nicks breath on my neck , I cried in to as I put my phone down I just need him right now I had my mom take our baby for a few days *

Nick: it was the right call babe, we will get through this. No matter what I'm right here * I held her on my lap and rubbed her back letting her cry into me , I wish I had gotten the call I would do anything to keep her safe .

* it was later that night I was looking up what a double mastectomy was *

Double mastectomy:If a mastectomy is done on both breasts, it is called a double (or bilateral) mastectomy. When this is done, it is often a risk-reducing surgery for women at very high risk for getting breast cancer, such as those with a BRCA gene mutation. Most of these mastectomies are simple mastectomies, but some may be nipple-sparing.

I let tears fall , I wish they could do a lumpectomy were they only take the cancer cell, but I had so many lumps in my breasts , it was either have the surgery or let it grow more, I know there is reconstructive surgery but that requires more surgery.

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