Chapter 9 pregnant and on tour

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*Demi's Pov*

I walked out of the bathroom with the positive pregnancy test I was scared and happy ." So I'm pregnant " I said to Wilmer ,Holly , Marissa their  faces were priceless .

*Wilmer's Pov *

I got up And kissed Demi and held her and whispered in her ear" I love you and this baby I won't ever leave you or this baby " I put my hand on her small bump and smiled happily I was gonna be a daddy .

*Later that day*

Demi was laying in her bed in the back of the bus she was to tired to get up she had a very eventful day she texted her mom "mom I need you and Eddie to come to the bus please and bring me a blanket and some water please "

*Dianna's pov*

I got a text from Demi and I texted her back" ok we will be there in 20 mins ok just try to relax love you sweetie"

*Demi's pov *

I read the text from mom and cuddled up to Wilmer and fell asleep listening to his heart beat

*20 mins later *

Dianna and Eddie quietly walked to the back of the bus with a soft blanket and water bottles and put the water bottles down and covered Demi up with the soft blanket

*Dianna's pov*

When I walked I the back of the bus I saw a pale Demi cuddled up to Wilmer I felt her head and covered her up and Wilmer up and rubbed Demi's cheek " sweetie wake up its mommy and Eddie "

* Demi's pov*

I woke up tiredly and sat up and hugged my mom and broke down crying in to her

*Dianna's pov*

"What's wrong sweetie did something happen today " I looked at her worried and I told Eddie and Wilmer to go outside ,I closed the door and held Demi to me " tell me what's wrong sweetie I won't get mad "

*Demi's pov*

I look at her in tears " I'm pregnant with Wilmer's baby my periods 8 days late please don't get mad"

*Dianna's pov*

I squealed happily "I'm gonna be a grandma " I said and rubbed her small baby bump and kissed her cheek" I'm so happy for the both of you ,but I don't no how Eddie is gonna handle it I will tell him ok "

*Demi's pov*

Ok but u gotta tell my fans tho " I took my phone out and logged on to twitter and wrote a tweet " how would you guys feel if there was another baby in the Lovato family #bunintheoven I posted it and read all the comments and laughed " mom I gotta get ready for the show " I quickly got up and walked with mom Eddie and Wilmer to the arena and walked to my dressing room and put on a a black lacy bra and thing with my studded white shorts and black top With studs on them with my heels and sat down and let Jill do my hair and make up and walked to the stage for sound check there were about 50+ Lovatics and I put my ear pieces on and grabbed my mic and turned it on and walked on stage " hey guys how y'all doing "

* authors pov*

Hey guys here's a update sorry I haven't been writing a lot I've been in and out of the hospital hope u like it


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