Chapter 25:Kicking Ass

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Chemo has been hard, I lost my hair but I got a bunch of wigs that look like my real hair, Nick says the wigs look amazing , I was so pale. I missed my tan so much . I haven't really took any pics of myself, but now  that I have the wigs I was so much more confident. So I decided to post it , I had Jill draw some eyebrows on me and I put some false lashes on. I posted the pic with the caption" there is one perk of being on chemo no more shaving 😂 ". some of my Bipolar meds affected the chemo so I couldn't take them, I was a mess one minute I was nice the next I was a nasty bitch. I had 20 more chemotherapies to go and then I start radiation. I was so thankful nick and my family was by my side, I missed touring so much , I feel like I let my Lovatic's down... I was going to be doing pop up meet ups all over the state , I  had talked to my doctors and asked if it was ok , they said it was ok but I had to wear a protective mask since I had no immune system, I was also working with a few artists , so I was sorta of back in the studio ( in my house of course) thank god I had a studio built in my house

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