Chapter 11 Its A GIRL

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*Dr Bs Pov*

I told Demi and Wilmer there having a girl Demi was thrilled but Wilmer wasn't he seemed upset but i shrugged it off and smiled at them* "ok Demi i want you to eat Healthy foods and you can have some junk food when u craving it i will fallow up with u in two weeks if you spot blood call me ASAP got it " i got up and hugged demi and shook Wilmer's hand and grabbed my bag and walked off the bus

*Demi's Pov*

I cried as soon as i found out i was having a girl but i looked at Wilmer and my smiled faded and i took hand* "baby you ok ?"

*Wilmers Pov*

I was beyond mad i didn't want a kid yet i wanted to wait a few more years " yea i'm fine but i'm not ready to be a dad i'm breaking up with you Demi I'm sorry * i got up and walked off the bus with my things and went to my car and drove off

*Demi's Pov*

I sobbed my eyes and rubbed my bump and talked to it * "i'm gonna name you Isabella " * i layed down in tears i'm gonna be a single mom but i didn't care i have family and friends that will help me *

• 9 months later•

*Dianna's Pov*

I woke up early and made breakfast for everybody i made eggs and bacon and toast with hash browns and set the table and yelled up the stairs "BREAKFAST IS READY" i walked back to the kitchen and set the table with forks and knifes and plates and cups and poured milk in to Demi's cup and orange juice in Maddie's cup and put food on their plates and helped Demi down the stairs and kisses her head " how are you feeling sweetie " i asked her

*Demi's Pov*

My back was killing me i smiled at my mom "i'm feeling ok just my back is hurting a lot and feet are swollen and i feel like i'm gonna pop "i giggled and looked at my very pregnant and swollen bump and rubbed it and sat down at the table and kisses Maddie's head " hey baby girl how did you sleep ?

*Maddie's Pov *

I smiled at Demi and rubbed her bump and sat next to her " i slept ok what about you ?" I began eating my breakfast

*Demi's Pov *

I slept not to good my back hurts and my feet are swollen " i ate my breakfast and felt a sharp pain and gripped the table * mom i think it's time " i felt my water break and yelled in pain and held on to Maddie and Eddies shoulders and slowly walked to the car and get in the front and gripped the seat in pain n screamed and cried

*Dianna's Pov*

I dropped my fork and run upstairs and grabbed the diaper bag and car seat and Demi's hospital bag and grabbed my keys and purse and ran to the car and out the stuff I the trunk and got in to the car and sped to the hospital and held Demi's hand " Madison I need you to call Dr B and tell her Demi's water broke and that we're on our way , Eddie can you get me Demi's slippers from the back please " I said to them and kept speeding

*Demi's Pov *

I felt alot of pressure in my south region and gripped my moms hand" mom she's comming !* I sobbed and leaned my head back crying

*Dr B's Pov *i prepped a room for Demi and waited for her in the labour and delivery lobby *

*Nicks Pov *

I saw Demi and her mom pulled up to the hospital and ran to her car and helped her out and in to the wheel chair and pushed her inside and fallowed dr b to the room and held Demi's hand*" I'm gonna be here with you through this ok best friends are here for each other" * smiled at her

•3 hours later •

*Demi Pov *

I gripped my moms and nicks hand and pushed and screamed but as soon as I knew it I heard Isabella cry and I cried as well and held her on my chest and kisses her head as cried * hi beautiful girl I'm ur mommy and this is ur daddy nick " I leaned up and kissed nick and smiled at him

*Nicks Pov*

I smiled and kisses Demi back and walked over to were they were cleaning Isabella up and took pictures and put my phone in my pocket and held her and walked over to Demi and carefully handed her Isabella * " i love you both I sat next to Demi and smiled at her "

*Authors pov*

Hey guys I hope u like the update #Nemiforever


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