Under The Night Sky Of Paris

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Chapter 13

Bella's P.O.V

I'm so stupid why did I say that to Harry, I bet he hates me now ughhh...why I'm I like that when I'm mad it's like I turn into a different person I even slapped him. I disgust myself...I HATE MYSELF

So, my make-up is horrible now. And I have no idea where I'm going, I heard something...it sounds like crying. One if you hear something or someone crying you walk away and Two don't ever walk toward the sound...don't be dumb like me who just needed to go see who was crying. I was shocked and I wanted to run away but it was to late he saw me

"What? You like the show?" He asked still crying 

"No...what's wrong?" I asked even though I knew what was wrong

"Stop acting dumb, you know" He yelled

"Sorry...I told him about what happen the other day" I said crossing my arms in front of my chest

"WHAT? YOU TOLD HIM?" He yelled

I slowly nodded, I felt the tears wanting to escape my eyes but I'm fighting them trying my best to hold them in

"Bella, why did you do it?" He asked hugging me

"I don't know but, you know how I get when I'm mad...people shouldn't be around me I mean you learned that the hard way" I said into his neck

"That's true" He whispered

"Louis...I'm sorry I wanted to tell you but I didn't want you to break up with your wife to-be" I said getting out of his hug

"Bella, it's fine...I mean I'm a little hurt but I'm fine" He said looking down

"So what now...I mean I don't want to face Harry yet, I kinda slapped him" I said looking at my red toms

"Hey, come on the night is still young" He said holding my hand and taking me with him, I wonder where were going. We walked for awhile till he came to a halt and I looked up and saw the Eiffel Tower, wow it looks beautiful at night with the light lite up...well the sun was still going down

"It's beautiful Louis" I said smiling...I wish Harry was here with me not really Louis, even if I do love Louis I still love Harry...I mean he is my husband and the fater of my baby 

"I know right" He said looking at me and I looked at him and smiled showing my teeth, he tugged me tight to his body. He placed his right hand on the left side of my face, I know what he wants to do...but as badly as I want to do it too I can't not now

"Louis, stop I can't" I whispered

"Bella, please it's the Eiffel Tower...they say Paris is the city of love" Louis whispered on my lips

I closed my eyes, and inhaled his intoxicating smell...he is my drug my kryptonite and I his's

I leaned up and kissed him, he was shocked a bit but he kissed back. I didn't even feel my arms reach up and wrap around his neck, we moved in sync never breaking for a seconds...this feels so right but so wrong at the same time. This needs to stop

"LOUIS I CAN'T DO THIS I'M SORRY" I yelled running away from him in tears

"Hello" I heard Crystal say though the phone

"Crystal" I said crying

"Bella, what's wrong? Are you alright?" She asked in worry

"I don't want to say it though the phone, can you please come and get me" I said trying to hold back the tears

"Ok...Liam and I will be there soon" She said, I nodded even if she couldn't see

"Ok, just hurry please" I said crying even harder

"Ok, where are you?" She asked

I told her where I was, and in I guess in an hour she and Liam came to get me

"Bella, hey are you ok? Is your baby ok?" She asked hugging me, even checking me all over

"Crystal me and the baby are fine, but I'm just a bit heart broken....I'm sorry Liam, hi it's good to see you again" I said hugging him

"It's fine, and yeah it's good to see you too...wait did Crystal say baby?" He asked getting out of my hug

"Yeah, I'm pregnant again...but to tell you guys the truth I don't know who the father is this time" I said looking down

"Really? I thought you and you know who wouldn't have used a condom?" Crystal asked

"No...we forgot to use one" I felt the tears wanting to escape my eyes again

"Wait...who is you know who and does Harry know you cheated on him?" Liam asked fully shocked of everything happening in front of him

"Harry...knows I cheated on him, I kinda yelled it in his face and Liam....if your wondering if I'm mad at you, I'm not I mean I was at first but I'm not now....Louis made me change my mind" I said looking deep into space

*Flash Back When They Were 9 Years Old*

"Lou, why is everyone going on about how amazing having a first kiss feel like?" I asked Louis, who was sitting next to me in the park we love

"I don't know, I mean I've never had one yet. What about you, I mean have you had your first kiss?" He asked looking deeply into my blue eyes

I can't lie that I haven't had a first kiss, and even with him looking into my eyes like that

"Fine, no I haven't" I said looking down and holding my head with my hands

"WHAT? ISABELLA THE MOST POPULAR GIRL IN SCHOOL HASN'T KISS ANYONE?" He yelled, I jerked my head up and was shocked

"SHUT UP LOU! Your kinda popular too, and you haven't kiss anyone either!" I pointed out crossing my arms over my forming chest

He gasped and blushed, I let out a horrible laugh sound. Then covered my mouth with my hands, he then started laughing and I couldn't help but laugh as well. I didn't even notices that our faces were inches away from kissing 



"Well, when I have my first kiss I want it to be with someone I care about. And that I hope that care as much as I care about that person" Louis whispered into my lips

"Yeah, me too" I whispered moving my head closer to his, we were just centimeters away from a kiss. I'm not sure I want to do this what if this KISS ruins our friendship

I didn't even notices that, our lips touched till I felt the warmth of his soft lips on mine. My heart just melted, I got these weird feeling and I think it's what people call "FIREWORKS

We pulled apart, we looked deeply into each others eyes. I can't tell him, my best friend since birth that I felt fireworks and I think I may have got a school girl crush oh him my best friend

"I felt nothing, let's not do that again" I said pulling away from his face

"Ughh..yeah me too, I felt nothing let no..."

*End of Flash Back*

"Bella, are you alright? You blacked out and we brought you back to the hotel" Crystal said

"What?" I said softly trying to get up but Crystal and Liam told me no and to lay down and rest

"Where Johannie?" I asked

"She with Harry, why?" Crystal asked, I shook my head...it's best she stays with her dad for now



Sorry I took forever to put this chapter up, and sorry if it's too short or too long to me it feels like a filler for the main chapter anyways

Hope you like it and I will put up the next chapter as soon as I can, but I think it will be in awhile because I have a lot of Home Work to do for school, and after that I'm finally going to be a 12 grader f yeah...sorry about that

In the next chapter "Sue Rose" aka @horanprincess13 will come out she is going to be well...you will see gosh I can't give away that much

Love you all<3

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