Divorce Is Finally Here

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Chapter 36

Bella's P.O.V 

I should tell Lena about the other day, she didn't even want to sleep on the bed next to me last night!

"Lena can I talk to you?" I asked her, she nodded and looked up to me from her seat

"Look about yesterday, I should have told you about Louis and I" I was going in circles then looked at her, she just looked at her finger nails "Come on Lena, listen to me! I said I was sorry already!" I sounded like my now three year old daughter

"Fine! I forgive you Bella!" She shouted, I fist pump before I hugged her

"Thank you Lena Alison Scott!" I yelled as I got out of the hug, she just rolled her eyes

"Wait did you say Scott?" I turned and saw Louis walking into the room, I face palmed while calling myself stupid before I looked at him

"Yeah...." I said looking down

"Now that you said that I wanted to ask you if she was like your sister of something because she looks a lot like your mum" Louis said, I looked at Lena who just wore a blank face to me

"Well look Louis please don't tell any one yet, I'll tell everyone soon but for now please I beg of you please don't tell anyone" I whispered to him as I saw that he left the door open, he nodded before he hugged me. I smiled as I rested my head on his shoulder


I asked Perrie and Zayn how the divorce was going and they told me not well, I wanted to rip my hair off my head. So I told Zayn to call Harry and past me the phone

"Hello" I spoke into the phone

"Bella?" I heard Harry, he sounded weird

"Where are you Harry? I want to talk to you" I told him

"I'm home Bella. I've waited for you but you never came back then I saw your clothes was gone even the kids clothes was gone, why?" He asked me, I wanted to cry...I've done this to him. I'm making he go crazy!

"I want to talk to you, but can you meet me here at Zayn's and Perrie's?" I asked him as I felt the tears leaving my eyes

"Yeah, I'll be there soon" He said before he hung up the phone. I placed down the phone and that's when the tears were balling out of eyes

An hour past and I told the others to wait in the rooms even just in case. I heard the door bell and I saw Louis opened the door from the room I was staying in with Lena, I half smiled at him before I mouthed please closes the door. He closed the door and I headed to the front door as I opened it and there stood Harry

"Come on in" I said as I opened the door more, he walked in as I closed it behind him. He stood in the middle of the living room watching me as I walked step by step into the living room. I sighed  not too loud as I sat down, he sat down next to me

"So what do you want to talk about?" Harry asked me

"Harry you know what I want to talk about" I spoke looking at the floor

"Bella this again? I told you I won't give you the divorce, Bella I love you!" He raised his voice

"Harry I told you I don't...I never loved you!" I yelled at him

"Bella if this is about the joke I said I was sorry about it already!" He yelled as he stood up

"Harry I already forgave you! Now please give me the divorce!" I yelled as I stood next to him

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