The Past and The Present Becoming One

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Chapter 29

Louis's and Bella's P.O.V

"Oh come on Bells! Let's go down the slide, I will keep you save" Louis told me, I swallowed down and held his small hand in mine as we got ready to go down the slide

"Come on Bells, you ready? one two three" I said as I pushed me and Bella down the slide, she cover her face with both her hands trying to hide it

"See wasn't that fun?" I asked her as I helped her up

"I guess Lou...can we go on it once more?" I asked him

"Sure come on!" He smiled showing me his teeth as he grabbed my hand and help me up once more

"Aghh!" I awoke from my dream, why I'm I dreaming of when we were six. God, I hate this...look at me in a pool of sweat

"Lou are you alright?" Eleanor asked me from the bathroom

"Yeah, I'm fine babe...I'm going to go check on Will" I said before I left my room and entered Will's room

"Harry can we go with you it's so boring here in the house, come on it's been two years since we moved and look at Johannie she two in a half and James is one in a half" I asked Harry as we got out of bed

"I guess it won't hurt for you guys to come with me to London" He smirked before he kissed me

"Hey beside I'm older than you remember so listen to your elders" I joked

"Yes grandma!" Harry joked

"I'm not a grandma yet so don't call me that Styles!" I shouted at him from across the hall

Well I'm going to be twenty-six soon and Harry he twenty-three now, time flies by so fast it's scary to know that you are twenty-six one day then in a blink of an eye you become sixty

"Johannie, come on get ready we are going with daddy today to London" I smiled at her, a smile came to play on her small lips as she ran to her closet and grabbed some clothes. I walked over to James to help him get dress


"Did you hear?" Crystal whispered to Sue

"What?" Sue asked

"Bella and her kids are coming with Harry today" Crystal tried to whisper to Sue but I heard every word that came out of her mouth

My eyes widened, is Bella really coming with Harry today? I should ask Zayn, I ran out of the room and down the hallway; I almost fell but I made it to the room Zayn and Liam were in

"Zayn is it true? Is she really coming with Harry today?" I asked out of breathed

"Louis, yes she coming with Harry today she even going to bring Johannie and James" Zayn said with a smile

"Hey Louis just remember not to try to do anything this time with Bella" Liam told me

"Please....Liam I have William and Eleanor" I lied

"Okay, I believe you" Liam said, Zayn just looked at me with a smile as he shook his head


I stepped out of the plane and inhaled the smell of London, I miss the cold air and the random days where it started to rain; James and Johannie were holding my hands, I looked at both of them and smiled

"Come on Bells, we are going to be late" Harry said getting the suite cases. I nodded as I helped get mine and Johannie grabbed her small one in her hand

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