I Can't Hurt Him?

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Chapter 23

Eleanor words still played in my head 'Bella you can't hurt Harry' 

But who said I want to hurt him in anyway shape or form, I may not have those feelings for Harry as he has for me but I can't hurt him so I must lie to him. There is no other choice I can't just ask for a divorce, he would want full custody of Johannie or worst of both my daughter and my unborn baby

"Bella, are you up yet?" Crystal asked through the door, I sat up on my bed rubbing the dry tears off my face

"Yes Crystal please come in" I spoke with an uneasy voice, I must be thinking I will not be able to pull off the fake feelings for Harry. Crystal walked in and sat down on the edge of the bed

"Bella, there is someone who wants to see you" She looked down, upset towards the floor "He said he won't leave till you greet him yourself" She said looking me now in the eyes, who could be here?

I shot out of bed and speed walked out of my room, I wonder who could be here to see me? Who would want to see me, there is nothing special about me I'm just a normal girl who married young and even had a baby...and is having another baby. Yeah I'm totally normal right?

"How can I help you?" I spoke now at the last step of the stairs, he turned around; my mouth now hung open as I saw the one person I never thought I would see again in this world

"Bella, hey it's been so long" He said, I slowly nodded my head and even closed my mouth

"Yeah, what do you want?" I asked

"Damn, don't be rude...I wanted to see my ex-girlfriend" He smirked towards me as I made a face of disgust

"I will be rude to people who hurt me, and you hurt me bad" I spoke with anger

"Bella, come on what did we talk about back those years ago?" He asked

"You asked for my forgiveness but I didn't give it to you, so you got mad and I left" I spoke with a smile playing on my lips, he looked angry towards me

"Ben, I want you to leave now!" I shouted pointing towards the door, he lifted his hand in the air and stuck out his middle finger before he left. I was now pissed, I followed him out

"Dumb bitch!" He yelled in my face, I couldn't control myself as my hand formed a fist and when straight to his face. He looked at me for a bit but didn't think twice before he threw a fist to my stomach, I held my stomach trying to catch my breathed but what was worst was I couldn't feel the baby anymore

"CRYSTAL!" I yelled now on the floor, Ben finally saw that I was pregnant. He was shocked before he took off running, as he ran Crystal came to my side

"Bella what's wrong?" She asked as she got down on her knees

"He...He punched me in the stomach" She looked at me with her mouth open "Please help me, I can't feel the baby" I told her. She pulled out her phone and I'm not sure who she called because the pain was to much for me as I blacked out


I finally awoke but I didn't know where I was, it felt like years gone by without me knowing it. I reached down towards my stomach but I was in shock, it hurt but it wasn't for the baby it was for the stitches. I was now panicking wondering what had happen, I felt someone's hand now holding mine as I looked up I saw none other then Harry; he was sobbing...God if it was for the baby then I don't want to live, if I lost my baby I honesty wouldn't know what to do with my life anymore

"Harry hows the baby? Is the baby fine....did I lose it?" I was now in tears thinking the worst, Harry hugged me trying his best to calm me down but it wasn't working. A doctor came in with a nurse and gave me a shot of something, everything was going blurry but the last thing I saw was Harry crying

"Where am I?" I awoke asking myself this same question

"Your at the hospital Mrs. Styles" A nurse told me, I looked at her as if she was crazy but I finally remember about my baby and even Harry

"My baby, hows my baby? Please tell me?" I was now yelling as I asked her

"He is fine, he is a premature baby so he had to be put in a incubator" She said, did she say 'he'? So I had a son?

"I-It's a boy?" I asked crying tears of joy, she nodded with a smile

"Can I see him?" I asked, she nodded as she helped me up off the bed. We left my room, as we walked down the hallway we finally came to a stop in front of the babies; there were so many babies in those incubators, it made me sad to see them in those things

"Your son is the one in that incubator next to your husband Harry" The nurse said pointing towards Harry, I didn't even see Harry till she pointed him out. Harry was crying, looking at our small premature baby. It was all Ben's fault that my son was born before time, I walked into the room feeling pain all over my body; I neared Harry as I placed my right hand on his left shoulder he looked at me as he started to cry more into my shoulder, I found myself now crying into his right shoulder as he cried into my right shoulder as well

"I'm sorry, but we wanted to know what you would like to name your son?" The same nurse asked us, I looked at my small son; I reached in and held his small head in my hand

"James, James Edwards Styles" I said, I looked at the nurse and at Harry. He gave me a small smile in agreement to the name, the nurse wrote down the name then stuck it to his small box


"Mrs. Styles, you have been discharge from the hospital. You are free to leave when ever today" A nurse came and told me this, so my son was born August 14 but it's been a week since I've been here. It was now August 21, they told me I couldn't take my son James home yet

"Bella, your you ready to go?" Crystal asked me, I nodded as I sat up off the bed and headed out the door. I walked towards where my son was, he was now out of my womb for a week...I feel sad, not being able to take him with me. Johannie asked me if her baby brother was coming home with me but I told her no, she really wants to meet her brother

"Hey babe, how do you feel?" I was greeted with open arms when I opened the door to my house, Perrie hugged me as I began to cry

"I'm fine, I just really wanted to bring home James" I said getting out of her hug

"Hey you will see that everything when well" Perrie spoke with a smile, I smiled showing my teeth



Well here it is chapter 23, the picture of the baby on the side. I tried to finished this story sooner but I had to go to the hospital for my cousin, he was burn it was kind of bad but he is better now. I thank God for that but I wish that never happen to my cousin, his kids saw he get burn it was sad :(

Anyways enough of my sad story, I wanted to thank everyone who has gotten my story to 1,128 reads :D I LOVE YOU ALL xx

(if there are any mistakes I will go back and fix them later, please let me know :))

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