It's Been You Since Day One...

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Chapter 42

Bella's P.O.V 

Last night was well the best and the worst night of my life. Best being that Louis and I are official together and the worst being about my so-called sister Lena who hates my guts. I don't even know what the others did to her. I tried moving my hand but something was grabbing it, I opened my eyes and saw Louis holding my hand in his left while holding James' small hand in his right. I turned my head to my left and saw Johannie hugging me in her sleep. Okay I'm not going to lie but this is the best moment ever and I'm just filled with so much happiness and joy....aren't those two words like kinda the same? I don't know I'm just really happy right now.

"Hey beautiful." I turned my head back to the right and saw Louis slowly opening his eyes, I half smiled before I placed a small kiss to his nose.

"Hey there sexy." I said which earned a small laugh from Louis.

"Babe, you know I don't think I'm sexy non beautiful but I do think you're the best thing that has happen to my life. It's been you since day one Bells." Louis said in between kisses, I smiled.

"Shut up....You know I always blush when you tell me stuff like that." I said trying to hide my face with our interlocked hands. He moved our hands before he pressed his soft lips to my cheek.

"Mum?" I looked to my left and saw Johannie wide awake.

"Yeah Johannie?" I asked her as I stroked her hair.

"Is Lou my new daddy?" She asked me, I looked at Louis with wide eyes. I mean I don't know what to tell her, it's not like Louis going to ask me to be his wife just this second and who knows if we will last forever.

"Just call me Louis or Lou for now Johannie." Louis said resting his head on my stomach, ugh should I tell him about James right now or should I still wait. I mean I don't want James growing up thinking that his father is Harry then turned out that Louis was really his dad then have James hate us for me not opening my mouth right now.

"Okay Lou." Johannie said before she got up and headed out the room, James woke up and jumped on Louis and I. I started laughing before James and Louis started laughing too.


I was showered fully dressed teeth brushed and ready to leave. Today I'm going to tell Louis the truth...I mean I have to tell Harry too so I'm going to meet Harry at a dinner after I drop off Johannie and James at Anne's house. So here I am in between Louis and Harry in this awkward moment, I told them I needed to talk to them both but how do I do this? Do I just come out with it and say 'Oh yeah so I got another test done to see who James' father is and turns out that Louis is really James' dad.' No I can't say that!

"Bella are you alright?" Harry asked me, I nodded before I took another sip of water. Louis and Harry looked at each other then back at me. I think I'm going to past out.

"Okay Lou and Harry I have something to tell you guys." I spoke trying to avoid their eyes.

"Okay about what?" Louis asked me as he rubbed my back.

"Look remember when we were younger and I-I....ugh got pregnant with James?" I asked them as I was panicking on the inside.

"Yeah....I mean we kinda did fight." Harry said as Louis and I nodded.

"Bella what does bringing up the past have to do with us now?" Louis asked, I swallowed down a taste of fear before I opened my mouth again.

"Well.....You see when we did the test in Paris I didn't really truth it so when James was born I did another test behind your guy's back." I said in all one breathe.

"What?" They asked me.

"Bella and why didn't you tell us anything?" Harry kinda shouted.

"Yeah Bella I agree with Harry on this one. But who is the father is it...still Harry or is it me?" Louis asked. Harry nodded his head at Louis' question...Jesus I thought coming out and being around people would make this easy to do but God was I wrong! I opened my mouth then closed it. Damn how do I tell Harry he isn't the father? And how do I tell Louis he is the father? Brain I hate you so much!

"Bella please I...we need to know who the father of James is." Harry said pointing at himself then at Louis. I nodded my head and swallowed down once more before I opened my mouth.

"Harry Louis I know that no matter what, you both will always be James' father but you all know I don't like hurting people yet in the end I always hurt people-." I stopped as my phone was ringing who ever is calling just killed it. I looked at the caller I.D but it said unknown, I answered the phone and placed it on my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hello Bella." My eyes widened. Louis and Harry noticed as I picked up my breathing.

"What do you want Lena?" I asked her.

"Well I want my money back or you won't get something back." Lena said, I looked at Louis then at Harry.

"What do you mean I won't get something back?" I asked her but I regretted the moment she told me as I dropped my phone.

"I have James and I won't give him back till you give me my money." Lena's words still played in my mind. It burned to breathe, I didn't even know that tears were leaving my face. I tuned everyone out as I saw Louis pick up my phone but I guess Lena hung up on him. I was having a panic attack and all because my sister took one of the three reasons I live and breathe....she took my son and I want him back.

(A/N: PICTURE OF JOHANNIE ON THE SIDE. Sorry it's short too)

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