I Need You To Stop Worrying I'll Be Fine

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Chapter 43: I Need You To Stop Worrying I'll Be Fine

Bella's P.O.V 

I grabbed my phone and ran out of there, tears were rolling down my cheeks as I ran. I made it to the flat where Johanne was watching over Johannie and James, I asked her too because Anne had to leave soon. My heart dropped as I saw the place was a mess, everything was broken and tables were flipped. I ran upstairs to see Johannie trying to wake up Johanne, I got near them and saw she was bleeding from her head. Johannie was crying but I pulled her out of the way and held what ever I found onto her wound. I used the covers to put pressure on her wound, I called for help and they came fast. Louis and Harry finally showed up and saw my hands covered in blood as I held Johannie tight in a hug.

"Bella what happen?" Louis asked. I looked at them with tears in my eyes.

"Louis they took your mum to the hospital....and Lena took James." I said trying my best to hold back the tears.

"Harry watch them please I need to go see if my mum is fine." Louis said before he ran out and left us three alone. Harry got down near Johannie and I, and held us both.


"How's Johanne?" I asked Louis into the phone.

"They said she will be fine and thanks to you she didn't lose that much blood." Louis said sounding a bit relieved.

"That's good to hear but we still need to find Lena." I said, I heard Louis sigh.

"Bells who were you going to say was the father, I need to know. I think Harry needs to know too." Louis said, I bit my bottom lip before I got up and found Harry who was holding a sleeping Johannie in his arms.

"Harry I need to talk to you and Louis." I said to Harry as he nodded. I got my phone and put it on speaker.

"Lou your speaker." I said before I set it down on the now fixed table.

"Look Harry and Louis, just remember that James will always be Harry's son and will always be your son Louis." I took a big breath before I told them. "When I did the test again it showed that you, Louis....are the father of James. I'm sorry Harry." I said speaking to both of them, Harry didn't say a word neither did Louis.

"Please say something." I told them both.

"Like what Bella? I thought James was my son for almost two years and now I find out that you been keeping a secret from me the whole time." Harry said not shouting or yelling but he was calm. I didn't know what to tell Harry, all I know was my heart was breaking and so was his.

"I'm sorry Harry, I didn't know how to tell you guys. When they told me that James was Louis's son I didn't know how to face you or Lou. But I needed to tell you guys. And I'm sorry I took so long to tell you guys!" I yelled before I got up and left. I ran out of there, I couldn't face Harry or Louis not right now.


"Bella, did you come alone or are they with you?" She asked me, I shook my head at her.

"Good come on I'll take you to James." I followed her inside, there were a lot of men. I even start the guy that was with her one day. She opened a door and I saw James laying down the bed. I picked him up and hugged him.

"So did you bring the money?" She asked me, I placed James down before I got back up and got near her.

"Lena I didn't bring the money." She slapped me across the face. "But you can take me and give back James to Louis and them." I said before she slapped me again.

"Fine come on, grab him a lets go." She said before she left the room, I picked up James. He looked into my eyes and smiled.

I was standing in front of the door to Louis's flat. I sighed before Lena pushed me a bit to open the door. I opened it and saw Harry and Louis sitting on the sofa with Johannie in Harry's lap. I placed James down and he went running to Harry which I guess kinda hurt Louis to see, Louis looked up and saw me. He ran up to me before he kissed me but I pulled back and was now standing next to Lena.

"Bella what's wrong?" Louis asked trying to near me but two of Lena's men stood in front of him.

"I'm not....staying Louis." I said as they stood next to me now.

"What? What about Johannie and James? What about me?" He asked, I lowed my head and tried to hold back my tears as I bit my bottom lip.

"Louis I need you to stop worrying about me, I'll be fine." I said before Lena grabbed my upper right arm and dragged me out with her.

"Don't look too sad Bella, it was never going to work out between the two of you." She said as one of the men started the car. I looked out the back window and saw Louis standing right there watching as they drove away with me in the car. I'm sorry Louis.



Well here is chapter 43 sorry I took so long. Oh sorry if it's kinda short. I'm not feeling good today and I'm going to tell you why. It's because of my ex-boyfriend(again sorry if I keep telling you guys this stuff), I can't man-up and go talk to him like if nothing even happen then he just had to smile and wave at me yesterday. I can't do it anymore, I look at him then our eyes meet and it's killing me on the inside. I guess I can try to talk to him tomorrow but that will probably end with me running the other way and trying to avoid him yet again. Sorry if I'm ranting about this. And I promise the next update will be soon and longer. Oh again this story is coming to an end soon sorry I have to end it soon before school starts.

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