Chapter One: Guess Who, Pine Tree!

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Dipper sat behind the cash register of an empty Mystery shack. He pulled up his sleeves of his navy blue sweater from the heat, revealing his tattoos of things from the journal. One of the triangle named Bill Cipher. He half regretted getting Bill on his arm, but most people seemed to like it. So he didn't mind it too much.

Almost a whole day went by with not a single customer. Most people kinda stopped coming to the shack. He wasn't exactly the con man like Stan. But he still needed money for important stuff like food, clothes, and etc... And with less people coming, the less money he made, the more he have get another job. Which would be hard cause the job market is rough, even around here.

'Why am I still doing this?' He thought to himself, looking at an old picture of him, his twin sister Mabel, Soos, and Stan fishing. He smiled at the memories. 'Right. I'm doing it for them.' He glanced at time.

5:57 pm.

'Nearly quitting time', he thought. When a familiar looking stranger walked in.

The tall, handsome, and strange looking person had a striking resemblance to someone he once knew.

Top hat on head, and black cane in hand. His gold hair with dark brown to the right side shined a bit. His golden bangs covering his left eye that had a triangle eye patch. A gold shirt with something ironic on it, and black shorts. The darkest brown eye he's ever seen with touches of gold, the boy stared at him with a mischievous smile.

'Who does he remind me of?'

The boy leaned on the counter, to close for comfort. "Why hello there, pine tree." He said, causing Dipper's eyes to widen with realization.

It was Bill Cipher.

"B- Bill?" He stuttered, trying push away from him. Bill gripped Dipper's red shirt. "Oh my, how you grown." Bill's voice smooth and silky. His eye looking down wards, he smirked.

Dipper pushed again as Bill let go causing him to crash down to the ground. His ratty, old, blue, and white hat with a pine tree covering his eyes.

Dipper's face became red, and he was upset at himself for falling, and for thinking Bill was good-looking. 'Damn it, don't be clumsy, idiot. Not in front of Bill the handsome human.' He regretted his thought as soon as he thought them up, remembering Bill is a mind reader.

"Oh, so I'm a handsome human? Why thank you, pine tree." He laughed. "Shut it, Cipher!" Dipper shouted back.

Bill sat on the counter, grabbing a lollipop from a bowl with a yellow sign with the words "free for kids" in red marker writing on it. He popped it into his mouth, still grinning at Dipper who was still sitting on the floor.

'Why is he here? As a human? Out of all things. Why a normal person?' He thought for an answer.

"Well, pine tree, I made a bet. Now I need your help. I want win. Can't be a loser, now can I?" Bill answered his thoughts.

Dipper got up and narrowed his eyes at Bill. "Why in the hell would I help you?" He tried not raise his voice.

"Because..." Bill took out the lollipop from his mouth, and thought for a reason. "Because... if you don't you'll die! Yeah, that seems like a good answer!" He beamed with joy.

In the back of Dipper's mind he did his best not to think how cute Bill's smile was. 'He's like a demonic puppy or something. Why do I find that cute?'

Bill smirked and saw an opening for embarrassment. "That's sweet, pine tree. It was nice of you not only to remember me, but think I'm cute as a demonic puppy." He made a puppy-dog face. Sticking out his tongue a little. "So you going help or not?" He threw the lollipop into the trash can.

'No. Say no. Don't do it, Dipper. There's better things to do. Like die. Be with Stan.' Dipper's mind went to a dark place. He imagined his own death, and being with Stan again. It was a thought he often had at night.

Ever since Wendy stopped swinging by and calling because she had to work two jobs, and raise five kids along side her second husband. Soos with his wife and two kids, Stan jr. and May, on the opposite side of town. Even his twin sister seemed too busy for him. Maybe if Stan was still around with him, he wouldn't feel so lone. So unwanted.

Bill followed along in his thoughts, almost feeling pity and sadness for the pine tree. He wasn't the same. Not completely. "You know, there's better answers then death. There always is. Just got help me win my bet."

Dipper jumped a little at the sound of Bill's somehow calming voice. Dipper stood straight, and frowned. 'Stay out of my thoughts, Cipher.'

"I rather not," Bill lend close to Dipper's right ear. "I need you, pine tree. Please, help me..." his voice trailed as he grabbed his red T-shirt to make them as close as possible.

'I need a way out. I need a way out.'

Dipper's eyes looked all over the empty shack for something. He looked at the clock. "Don't you dare say it," Bill nearly hissed. "Quitting time! Got go, Cipher." Dipper pulled away.

Bill sighed deeply. "Just say yes. It be so easy just to say yes. I'd even make you a deal. One you enjoy." Dipper stopped his walking. His hand on the door knob. 'Walk away! Don't you dare, Dip-'

"What kind of deal?" He turned on his heels. 'Idiot...' Bill smirked. He knew that get him back. "Help me win the bet and I'll... mm... I know! I know!" Bill raised his hand like a child.

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Yes, Bill..."

"I'll bring Stanford back!" Dipper's eyes widen, and without a thought he agreed. "Deal! Of course!" He said, overly excitedly.

Bill grinned. Dipper put his hand out for a hand-shake to close the deal, but Bill laughed and shook his head no. "This kind deal needs a stronger bond to be made..."

Bill stepped closer pushing away Dipper's hand, confusing him. Bill cupped his face in his left hand. Rubbing his cheek with his thump. Bill's hand moved down to his neck, pulling him down to his height. Bill was a bit shorter then Dipper, surprisingly.

"Bill... don't you dare even think about ki-" Dipper was cut off when Bill grabbed him by the shirt, and smashed their lips together. Bill's lips making a blue flame.

The deal was made.

Yet, Bill didn't pull away, and to both of their surprise nor did Dipper.

When they pulled away for Dipper to get air, both had stupidity big smiles on their faces. Dipper trying hide it. "The deal as been made. Once you finish helping me win the bet, I'll bring Stanford back," said Bill resting his head on Dipper's chest. Listening to his heart beat.

'So that's what a human heart sounds like still alive,' Bill thought absentmindedly.

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