Chapter 13: You

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(Dipper's POV)

I sat on the couch with a blank look and the a burning passion of hatred. "You let him leave? Do you know how dangerous that is!" I shouted at Micky.

He didn't even filch. "You need calm down, little buddy. It was for your own good. He didn't want hurt you or so he left, and I thought it was just find. He can regain control and come back when he's ready. You need-" I stood up from the couch.

"What if he can't control it? What if he loses it and kills someone or maybe even everyone?" I was shouting now. Mabel peeking out the kitchen. I was shaking and felt weak. It became hard to breathe and I fell to my knees and Mabel ran to my side.

"Dipper? Dipper please," Mabel gave me a light shake, Micky lean down to us. My right hand covered my mouth as I started coughing out blood.

"Micky what's happening to him?" Mabel was worried and scared. Micky didn't have a clue but he didn't have time to think of any before there was a knock at the door.

For a moment I could breathe again and the blood stopped. The door opened with a loud thump as it hit the wood, hinges loose and there stood a girl. A girl with icy cold blue eyes, pale as sown skin, and long wavy blonde hair. A creepy smile glued to her face.

I could barely see her. "Hi. I'm looking for Dipper," Mabel stood up and stayed in front of me as Micky held my head up. I could feel her stare fall me. My skin felt cold and slowly fell into Micky's arms. I'm going die here, I thought it becoming hard to keep my eyes open. Blood still dripping from my mouth.

"Stay the hell away from my brother!" Mabel shouted at her. More ready to fight then I've seen her in along time.

She turned her head more to Mabel now. Letting her hand slip out from behind her flowing red and white dress. "I don't like you. I want Dipper." It was quite and then little, small foot steps. Taps of skipping feet coming towards me. I no longer felt Micky's protective hold on me, and two loud thumps heard to my right where the wall stood tall.

The pitter patter of her skipping towards me stopped and then I felt her  presence right before me. "You're cute. I like you. And your friends are fun so I'm going keep you around for bit longer," she said with a bright small. She leaned down closer to me and whisper in my ear. "You're mine now."

She kissed my forehead and the blood stopped from dipping out my mouth and I could now see better again. Mabel and Micky had been thrown to the side, now laying in pain from impact. "Please..." she covered my mouth and said simply, "my name is Tad Strangely Cruel for a reason."

+++Tardis Time Skip+++

She sat in the kitchen waiting for Mabel to finish baking the cake. Micky sat across from her while a board game was laid between them on the table. Dipper was forced to sit on the floor with a caller around his neck, Cruel holding the end of leash it.

They were forced to obey her. She just wanted to eat sweets, play games, and keep us in house with her.

Mabel took out the cake and gave it to the girl who gladly took a bite, but quickly rejected it. "You idiot! This is awful! Can't you bake?" Cruel spit out the cake. Mabel angry and loosing patients with the girl slammed her fist on the table. "Bitch!" She shouted before getting a chance to continue the girl snapped her fingers.

Mabel thrown against the wall once more and a knife ready to cut her. The boys trying to break free from their magic holds to safe her. "Don't you dare cut her!" Micky yelled doing his best to free himself and save his love.

Dipper wanting move but couldn't in fear that his caller would start to choke him again from trying to escape. The knife started to cut from Mabel's right cheek down to her heart, stopping. "Call me that again and this will go through you. I'm not afraid to kill," she said narrowing her eye sight on Mabel. "I dare you to say it again."

Mabel stared her down angrily but said nothing. Cruel smiled and let her and the knife down. "Good. Now try again, fool." Micky slowly sat back down and moved his game piece with a watchful eye on Cruel. Mabel slid down the wall and picked up the knife to try and stab Cruel. She froze. "You truly are stupid."

"Don't hurt her!" Micky shouted. Dipper wishing he could say something about it, but he could barely think of any words. His thoughts were has straight as him.

"You boys like her... mmm" she snapped her fingers and Mabel was now in a clear box with chains around her waist. Water slowly filling it. "Try leave me and the water fills up her tank faster and faster," she said putting her hand on Dipper's hand and petting his hair softly.

She continued her game with Micky that seemed to never end. He was barely caring for the game, watching Mabel and wanting to break the glass, saving her but couldn't. He couldn't break free from that magic hold that little girl put on them. Something so small being so strong wasn't new to them, but it got them too off guard this time.

"You're getting old," she told Micky. "I'm going upstairs and you better make sweets for me, correctly! Come on, Dipper." Cruel said taking Dipper and walking up to his room.

Once the door closed the little girl turned to him. He sat on the floor and was careful not to upset her in any way. He be no use of helping Mabel and Micky dead. "Why are you doing this?" Dipper asked in a raspy voice.

"Because why not? You guys are fun enough for some shits and giggles, cutie." His stomach turned.

"Speaking of cute, I wouldn't mind doing you" she took steps closer to Dipper and every step she grew. Going from looking 8 to 18 and once she finally looked the same age of Dipper she stopped right in front of him. Kneeing down to his level on the floor. She laid her hands on his chest and they wondered where they could go before he said anything- not far.

"Stop that!" He tried to push away. She didn't let him pull away from her. When she was about to kiss Dipper she stopped and hissed at his waists. She saw Bill's blue chain bracelets were faded but still there, weakly trying protect him. Just barely working.

"I thought my magic was strong enough to completely get raid of those." She looked back at Dipper's face now, "you're mine now not his!" Grabbing the back of his neck she forced her lips on his, Dipper tried his best to fight back from her hold but no luck.

Dipper jerked his head back then tried bang it against her's but only made it an inch away before she stopped him. "You need to stop, my pet." She smiled petting his hair but was cut short with the sound of Micky hitting on the glass. She hissed again and ran faster than Dipper ever seen anyone run.

In a panic he looked around his room for his knife and once spotted did his best to get a hold of it. After he managed to grab it and try to cut his way to freedom. He slowed down when his glaze landed on his waists the bracelets becoming more and more faded by the minute, 'oh Bill where are you, my sweet?'

A.N~ I'm stupid for multiple reasons but those don't matter now. I started a new fanfic and put it out for people to read already which was dumb because this isn't even finished but whatever. If you like PHAN go check it out if not then... sorry?

Either way, until next time! Love you my fateful readers! Bye-bye!

~ InventiveAi

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