Chapter 12: Everyone

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(Bill's POV)

I woke up on the forest floor covered in dry blood, and watery eyes. My clothes teared and tattered, the blood covering my hands entirely along with some of my face. Dirt being my uncomfortable bed. I tried to get up from lying on my back, but only groaned in pain rolling to the side and spitting out blood, dirt, and a tooth onto the ground.

What the hell did I do last night? What--who did I kill? Oh, lordly I hope it wasn't someone important.

I coughed out the last of the iron tasting blood and crunchy dirt from my mouth before trying lean on the large pine tree next to me for support. It took a few tries but I managed to weakly stand up. I took in a sharp inhale of air before couching more.

I die before finding out who I even killed, I thought poorly. That's just great.

I began my walk back to somewhere-the twins. No. Micky? Absolutely not. Tad? Yeah. He would know. I hobbled to the next tree then giving up. I had no strength left in me to even focus on one thought. My head hurt to the point that I think I might have blood dripping from my ears too. Hopefully not.

"You know," I heard Tad's all too well known you're-an-idiot-tone of voice behind me. "Someone in your state of injuries shouldn't be standing out and alone in the woods. Not to say waking to where exactly? Can't go to your lovely boyfriend's little home- don't want hurt him, now do you?" I didn't want turn to face him because I just knew if I did than I just have to see that shit eating grin of his in some new human body. He's not the type to stay in one body for too long as for no human could stand hold of what he put them through.

"What... happened last night?" My voice came out more raspy then expanded. "I don't know but it looked fun." Don't turn around. Don't look at him. I kept telling myself. You didn't hurt anyone. That's your blood.

"Let's kill your hopes now and say it's not your blood at all, but some family you killed without a second thought. Now tell me, how would that little pine tree of yours feel about that? Do you even regret it?" Tears flood my uncovered eye and all I could do was not look at Tad. It became harder with every single word and thought.

"N-yes. No... maybe. I can't... remember..." I said, my voice trailing trying find the right answer.

Memories tend to just pop up. Those looks of humans just before it ended. The way the light left their eyes because of me... it was wonderful. I felt like my old self again and I left only one just for fun. That little girl would grow up to hate me and I could honestly care less.

"Guessing it felt good, huh? Killing people just for hells of it, now that's fun. Love and life, eh, not so much." I wanted him to shut up with that taunting like voice of his. The weight of his words pushing me to the ground until I was nothing more, but a mess of tears, blood, sweat, and laugher.

I'm going mad and I can't even tell how I feel about that. Hell, I don't even think I can feel anything at this point. I just want my pine tree back. I want my... my D-Dipper back...

"You could of killed your oh-so-precious pine tree if you were close enough," Tad warned. I fell to my knees with a grunt. "Shut up... shut up... shut up!" I started in a whimper then to a shout.

"I rather not. It's fun to see you like this after so long of being in your shadow of hell," I could hear his grin. "Ass..." I breathed laying down in defeat.

"Maybe I am but that does mean I'm not going protect your little princess pine tree when you run off to try and kill him. I mean, it's only a matter of time before your soul dies." I held my breath for a moment and thought about it. I always believed I would turn up back in my demon form if I die, but I began to wonder what if not.

"You're clueless." He said.

"No. Just an idiot." I replied.

He chuckled, "at least you know that." I finally gave up and turned my head to see him and his new body. A purple eyed teenage boy with long greasy hair, and looked like a stereo typical pot head from the 70s. "Picked this up from the graveyard and fixed it up some," he said in a nonchalant tone.

"Now let me tell you something," he added quickly after. I could care less at this point about his human form, and the same could be said to him.

"Demons that stay in a human form too long start to become level three monsters. Their souls become weak and corrupt. Meaning no soul and no control, no mercy, no stopping yourself. And you're too weak to switch or change back, huh? It'll be fun to try kill a level three monster then." I stared at him bewildered and terrified of myself and then scared half to life by his next choice of words.

"You know what!" He stood up in one moment. "I'll kill pine tree and shooting star for you! So you won't have to live with that guilt. I'll use that little girl body that you left alive to be forever be scarred and traumatized by seeing her family killed right in front of her! Yeah. That's what I'm going do this afternoon. This going be good and maybe kinda fun too," it was hard tell if he actually thought he was being nice or not.

"See ya later, dead meat!" He called out running out the woods by jumping over my aching body giving me a good kick in the head before disappearing causing me to be knocked out. My last conscious thought then was to get up and save my pine tree from being killed.

Hopefully I won't be too late.

A.N: Sooooo, I'm stupid. But that's not important (but you are!) I miss Gravity Falls. Do you miss Gravity Falls? I miss Gravity Falls.

I'm crying with sweets. Please send shows to fill the void.

Anyway, I'm working on a new book for a different fandom, or should a day phandom? Haha. I'm terrible. Either way I need a cover and will be trying make a better one for this story as well.

Sorry this is shit. I love you. You are amazing for putting up with me and I'm lameness and I will do my best to update again. Hopefully not taking a whole month again. I'm so sorry about that by the way. You guys are the best though. Thank you!

Until next time! I love you, my fateful readers!

~ InventiveAi

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