Chapter Six: Our shooting star has came flying back!

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(Dipper's POV)

After eating at Lazy Susan's Diner we went out for a walk. It was quite and windy. I like the fact we could be together and be comfortable with the silence. "Do you think I can actually learn human emotion before you die?" He asked out of nowhere.

I raised an eyebrow while putting an arm around him. "Sure. Why not. People live long enough." I shrugged.

"Yeah. I forget you peasants think that. I never follow the time. It's just an illusion. Doesn't make sense to me. You guys make it too complex." He stated with a dry, blunt tone.

I chuckled and walked backwards in front of him. "What? Was I just called a peasant?" He tried hide a sly smile with slight nod. "You and your kind. Not be rude but it is kinda true."

"It's your kind too now. So you're just as much of a peasant as the rest of us." The wind picked up and it blew his baggy gold shirt upwards. "Shut up!" He complained, pulling down his shirt.

"No way, cutie!" I laughed and chased him around as I tried to carry him. "Dipper! Dip-Dipper stop it! It's cold and I don't have a jacket! Stop trying carry me, I can walk!" He continued to wrap his arms around his waist to keep his shirt down. He wasn't a very fast runner. "Come on! I'll warm you up!"

It took awhile but I finally managed to capture my demonic kitty cat. I held him by the waist upside down. "Put me down!" He ordered. "Oh, live a little." I smiled.

"Yeah. And flash all the people walking past. Dipper!" He whined. "People are staring at us!" I rolled my eyes.

He learned a new emotion. Embarrassment, I think. Or maybe being as self-conches as a high schooler. I thought now switching to carry him bridal style. He hid his face in my chest as we continued our walk around. "I can walk." He mumbled.

He was shaking from the cold wind and I wasn't exactly the warmest people to cuddle with. "Doesn't matter. If you make me your property as if I'm an item, well, than I get do whatever I like with you too." I remembered the blue fire chain bracelets around my waist.

"I'm not sorry about that. You're mine. Only mine."

"Yeah, well-" I cut myself short.

I stopped walking when I saw a familiar face sticking out from a car that was heading towards us. "Is that... is that Mabel?" I was so happy to her and smiling so big that I jumped to a spirt going to her.

"Dip-dip!" She shouted waving at us. "Mabel... Mabel!" I stopped right in fort of her car being driven by her boyfriend. She got out of the car and ran towards me, "I would give you an awkward sibling hug, but it seems you're a carrying a... who exactly?" She pointed to Bill with a cheeky smile. I looked down to him, "oh yeah, Mabel this is human Bill Cipher."

She frowned staring at him. He allowed himself to look at Mabel. "Wow... shooting star, you-you grew up." He pushed himself from me to stand on his own. Which I allowed.

She slightly blushed. "Yeah... and you changed a lot too." I couldn't stop smiling to see her and I just couldn't help it anymore, and jumped on her for a bear hug. The car horn beeped for our attention but took awhile to get it.

Mabel turned to look at her boyfriend with a soft grin. "Coming! Wait!" She called over to him. He gave us a thumps up and waited a few seconds. Bill petted her long hair that had gotten even longer and curler with age, and as well as her sweater love. Which got her a job. Her own sweater fashion line, along with other stuff. An inventive mind like her's couldn't be held down to just sweaters. But it was a big part of it.

"You want ride with us back to the shack?" She asked. "Yes." Bill answered as soon as she asked. "Come on then."

We hopped in to the car. "Sup man," Micky, her boyfriend, said. "Hey dude." He looked back for a quick sly high five and asked in quote "who's the blondie? Your girlfriend?" Bill's face turned red.

"Actually, boyfriend. His name Bill Cipher."

"Oh, sorry man." He apologized. "It's fine," Bill huffed his bangs out of his face. It's because you're long hair. I thought for him to hear. Shut up.

It didn't take long to get to the shack and Mabel was mostly going on about her fashion line and how her relationship with Micky was doing well.

"It's been almost four years since we've been together, and we thought we might get married soon." She was jumping with joy and Micky was smiling as much as I was.

"Oh really?" Bill asked. "Can I do magic for it?" I cocked an eyebrow in disbelief. "Can you still do magic in this form?" Micky asked. He knew all about the weird stuff as he helped us out with mysteries awhile back. Which was how the two met and bounded.

"Kinda. It's a bit hard."

"Well, if you can then I say go for it." Mabel replied. "Just be careful, okay?" I whispered to him as we held hands.

Once we stopped at the shack we began to get Micky and Mabel's stuff out of the trunk and unpacked for about an hour or so. It was hard work and Bill had trouble with some of it. Kinda looking like a turtle that was about to pass out with a suitcase on his back.

Mabel went off to the kitchen to grab some drinks for us. I sat on end of the couch right before Bill face planted on the couch and his face right on my lap.

"Okay then." Micky said drinking a beer Mabel handed him and I. We all without having to saying anything just knew and agreed it be best not to give Bill any alcohol. At all. Ever.

"But I want try it! I'm a demon. I've done worst. I've sin worst. Please pine tree, shooting star, new dude that I know nothing about nor care for your existence yet." He whined about it. "Bill, no." Mabel put her foot down.

"Thanks for the compliment," Micky said. "I would of sneak you one, but I guess not now." Bill stuck out his tongue. "You guys are no fun!"

"Oh, shut it you big baby," I playfully shoved him drinking some more beer.

"Why is a dream demon a whiny human?" Micky asked. "Yeah, I'd like some the details of how you two came to be. Is it a cute love story?!" Mabel added, glowing with joy taking a small sip of light beer. "Sure. Something like that." I smiled and blushed looking down at my beer can and Bill's blushing face, who was trying hide it by cuddling his face in a pillow on my lap.

"So basically this how it all started..."

A.N. Okay. So I know this isn't as good as I usually write, but I really wanted to give you guys a chapter. Plus, I wasn't completely sure where I was going with the date thing or what I really wanted do with it. I'm not much of a romantic. Yet I could probably do better in a later chapter so I'd just give it time, and it will most likely get better in later time. Also sorry it's not the best of my ables at the moment, but they will get a lot better. I promise you guys that much. Until time! Love you!

~ InventiveAi

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