Chapter Seven: Taking care

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(Bill's POV)

I sat upside down on the couch, and stared down an empty can of beer. "What secrets do you hold that I am not to know?" I questioned it.

The door knocked and I looked up to it. My first thought was to use magic, but I quickly thought against it. I need learn how be human that means no magic.

Mabel ran over to get it. "I got it!" She called out. She opened the door to see Pacifica Northwest.

They hugged and laughed. "I haven't seen you in like forever!" Mabel squealed with big smiles on both their faces, the boys came down from upstairs. I watched the love and hugs of friendship. I didn't understand it, but I wanted to be apart of it. Yet, I couldn't. Not completely nor properly. So I stayed in place and watched with a close eye.

"You've grown taller than me!" Pacific laughed. Mabel smiled with a nod. "Yep! I might even get be taller than Dipper!" She cheered.

"No way!" Dipper protested, "I finally got be an inch taller than you!" Micky who was at least a foot taller than everyone put a hand on his head. I moved ever so slightly as if to pounce on him. I might have. I would have. "You'll need a lot more than an inch," Micky claimed with an almost shit-eating-grin kind of smile of some sorts.

As they continued to speak I continued to watch and listen. I felt like a child.

With the remaining memories I had left in my head of my past life this moment reminded me a lot about being a young child. How my older brother was always the most well behaved, my younger sister trying to follow in both our foot steps. Yet that was her biggest flaw. She wanted it both ways.


To be a trouble maker that broke rules and had lots of fun doing so while also being polite and well mannered. She ran a muck with me one day then the next be with big brother having books a top her head being all proper.

I never did understand her, but I still cared deeply for her and big brother.

I forgot how to properly care for another living thing, but when I looked at Dipper's smiling face I think I could remember or at the very least, imagine the feeling once more. And it was beautiful. A warm feeling that I very much enjoy.

"Well, it's getting pretty late. I better head off now." Pacific stated getting up and stretching. "Alright. See you later." Mabel hugged her bye and she left with a goodbye to the boys and I as well.

"Let's head up, Mabel," Micky said. She nodded and went upstairs with him. Dipper signed with a joyful smile and pleased look on his face. That. That was a wonderful thing. He glanced at me and I smiled shyly at him.

"You were quite," he remarked. "I was, wasn't I? I do apologize for that but I'd seem to fallen in my own dream scape." I yawned. "Okay," he kissed the top of my head. "I just need ring up my parents real quick. So I can let them know Mabel made here okay. They might be worried or something." He got up and left, but within a few moments I got noisy for he been talking to them for 10 long minutes of boredom.

I listened carefully at the door way. He sat crisscross on a wooden chair talking to his father. He seemed to become frustrated and saddened. He stressed over his words, but tried not to shout and walk up the two sleeping soundly upstairs.

"She's fine, dad. So am I- Micky too. No need to worry. I-dad... dad listen to me. They're- we're fine. Yes. I know. Dad-I... I told you I'm not crazy, damn it! This place as weird things going on just about all the time. Dad, for once actually let me talk, and trust me. Listen, please." He closed his mouth to swallow the air he gasped in. His face red. Tears threatening to fall.

"I know, okay! Oh just shut up!" He cursed out his father in an ill mannered tone. Oh, my poor little Dipper. Why must you be always so stress?

"I'm not crazy! D-dad don't say that-- please don't," something caught him by the throat for he could no longer speak. All that came out was a raspy voice begging for forgiveness. As if he done an unspeakable crime. "Please dad, I still love you- I just... I'm not crazy... damn it. I'm not- don't say I'm not your son anymore... please. I-I still... I still love you..." he cried.

He tried to speak once more, but stopped once he realized that the line had gone dead. He slowly put the phone done. Then he lost it. He threw it against the wall crying and sobbing. That's when I finally came back to my senses. I ran to comfort him.

He pushed himself away from me and drank a beer saying he was fine. His eyes becoming puffy and red. "I don't like liars now." I tried to calm him down once more but failing all the same. "What happened? Are... are you going be okay?" It wasn't in my nature to understand, but I was going to focus it to be.

"Oh, you damn idiot! No! Of course it's not going be okay!" He shouted. For a moment I thought he was about to swing at me, but instead he collapsed on the floor. Dropping the beer can spilling it all over. He fell into a mess of cries and angrier, and I did the only thing I knew to do.

I went to my knees in front of him pulling him close for a hug. I rubbed his back and cooed that it could be worst. "That's the thing. It can always be worse. My bad is someone else's worst so it really doesn't matter." He complained. I agreed absentmindedly saying that, "you're right it's like having someone you love die and just thinking at least not two of em' aren't dead. It's still sucks and there's nothing you can really do about it."

"I hate... everything." He stated with a shaky breathe. "There's just I few things I hate less than others."

I can understand that... I think.

"Don't tell Mabel. Not yet. Not now." I agreed to do so. I tried to read his mind to get a better ball park idea of what he was going through and thinking to do next, but for some odd reason I couldn't. Blank. Dead air. Nothing.

I was confused and didn't understand, but kept to myself for I did not want to stress Dipper out anymore than he already was. It felt weird and I didn't feel well, weak almost. Like I couldn't walk on my own, but I sucked it up for Dipper and acted like nothing was going on. For all he had to know, that odd weak feeling I had didn't exist; it couldn't. Not now.

I continued to comfort him to the best of my abilities until it was time to sleep; and yet again, before we went to bed he took some pills. Maybe they were sleeping pills or maybe they weren't. I had no real clue but I planned to find out exactly what they were and why he had them.

A.N~ Check out my parody version of 12 Days Of Christmas now turned into the 12 Days Of Smutmas. Please. Enjoy. The more votes on that one the more likely I will write more on here. Warning: it is extremely dirty and perverted. Thank you. Also my other thing: So You Think You Can Write? So yeah, those are things.

Until next chapter! Love ya!

~ InventiveAi (≧∇≦)

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