Chapter 12

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This chapter is dedicated to xxHoranNiall2001xx. Mostly for what she commented. Thank you if you're reading this :)

Now on with the story!

Liam, Harry, Louis, and I finally got home safely. The first people I saw was Zayn and Niall sitting on the couch and looking at us with relief. They got up, ran to us, and gave us tight hugs.

"Thank god you guys are okay," Zayn said full of relief.

"Yeah, we saw the whole thing on the news," Niall said.

"It was on the news?" I asked curiously. I walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Yeah, it's still on. We saw you guys, ya know," Zayn said sitting down next to us.

Suddenly I got a phone call. I saw my phone on the coffee table, saw that the name said 'dad', and picked it up.

"Jessica, are you okay? I saw you and the hospital on the news," he said worriedly.

"Yes, dad, I'm fine. I'm at home with the guys, don't worry."

"Okay, just wanted to make sure. Love you."

"Love you too, bye." I said about to cut the phone call.

"Wait!" I heard him shout. I brought the phone back to my ear. "Can I speak to Niall and Harry real quick."

I lowered the phone with a shocked look on my face. I looked at Harry and Niall and gulped.

"It's for you and Harry," I said looking at Niall. They looked worried as Niall grabbed the phone. They walked into a bedroom downstairs.

"What do you think going to happen?" Louis asked.


Niall's POV

"Yes, Mr. Smith?" Harry asked as soon as I put the phone on speaker.

"First of all, you can just call me Adam. Second, how is she doing?"

"She's okay," I replied.

"No, I don't mean what happened at that hospital, guys. I mean, with all the things that's going on," he said. I started getting nervous about what he was saying.

"Uhm, like what?" Harry asked him with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well, a few weeks ago, she called me sounding upset about something. She told me that she wanted to come back over here."

After he said those words, I felt my heart stop. She wanted to go back? Why would she want to go back?

"Did she say why?" I asked him.

"I asked her why, but she said that it was something personal. That she couldn't tell anyone else. That's why I wanted to talk to you boys, because she trusts you guys the most. I need y'all to get her to blurt the reason out or something. I just need to know why. It seemed really suspicious when she said that."

"We'll do our best, Adam," Harry reassured him.

"Okay, call me back if you have any information. Bye guys."

"Bye," Harry and I said together then hung up.

Harry and I looked at each other and gulped.

"How're we going to do this?" I asked.

"I have no idea."

Jess' POV

The boys came back in with my phone and Harry handed it to me.

"So what did he say?" I asked them. They looked at each other nervously.

"He just asked how we were doing. All of us," Harry answered looking at all the guys.

"Niall," I muttered. He looked at me nervously too. "Tell the truth."

"Harry's right. He did ask us how we were doing," he answered and I knew he was lying. I just decided not to push them. It was probably just a secret between those three.

But then I had an idea.

"Fine," I said raising my hands in the air. "I believe you guys. If you say that's what he said, I'll take it."

"Really?" They said together looking at me in complete and utter shock. Then they elbowed each other in the sides. "Ow," they said together again rubbing their sides.


"But he told us-" Niall started, then Harry punched his shoulder.

"HA! I knew you guys were lying!" I exclaimed pointing my finger at them.

"They looked nervous about it and they were hilarious," Louis blurted out with a chuckle.

"Shut up!" Niall and Harry whined in unison. Everyone in the room started laughing.

"Uhm, I just remembered I had to... Go to meet the President. So, see ya later!" Zayn totally lied getting out of the house.

I can see why he wanted to leave. It was getting pretty awkward, especially for those three.

"Uhm, us too!" Louis exclaimed grabbing Liam and leaving the house too.

"Eh, I'm going to go take a nap. So you guys later," I said and walked upstairs to my bedroom.

I plopped down on my bed thinking about what happened over about the last year.

Niall and I met for the first time last December. Niall and I kissed. Then his friends came into my life. Niall and I were dating. My mother left. Niall and I broke up and got together a few times. John came back into my life. Niall went to jail. I found out that Niall and his friends were in a band named One Direction. All of us moved to DC. Niall cheated on me, again. I got a new boyfriend, Ronnie. Ariel went to the hospital. And now.

Life has been a hell of a life, but I loved every minute of it. Including Niall.


Okay, I forget if I named Jessica's dad's real name or not, so I just made up a name.

And now I finally got ideas...

Well, I'll update again sometime! Hopefully tomorrow or Sunday :)

Later for now My Little Niallers ❤️

-Brooke ✌️

(957 words)

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