Chapter 32

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I lost my phone but got it back...

I finally got back to school. I've been out for about 3 weeks, god I suck. Im going to have to do school over the holidays.

"Oh, here's your phone," Korin said handing it to me. I took it from her and kissed it. I miss this phone so much.

"Thank you for keeping it safe," I looked through my notifications. I see a got a text from Niall.

I don't know if you're ever going to see this but, I need to see you. I have to tell you something and I can't do it over the phone. I'm sending you a plane ticket to go to the UK. Text back when you see this.

Why is he saying this? How would he know if I wanted to go there? And what does he mean by he can't say something to me over the phone? I texted back to him.


That was all I said. I didn't know what to say.

"Hey, it's time for class," she told me quickly getting out of bed. I got up from mine, got dressed, and followed Korin out the door.

She takes different classes. Her major is physics, which is on the other side of the building. Which means, I'm stuck with Jack. Oy vey.

I walked to my classroom, my head hanging low. I entered feeling all eyes on me. I took my seat next to Jack and put my head down on the desk.

"Where've you been?" He asked. I turned my head to look at him.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked sarcastically. He smirked at me.

"The hospital," he muttered. His eyes were expressionless. I have no idea what he's thinking or feeling. "Because of your ass of a boyfriend. I would be much better."

"Shut the fuck up," I whispered under my breath. Mr. Austin came in and smiled at me.

"Glad to see you're back Ms. Smith," he said as he stood in front of the chalkboard. Everyone turned around to look at me. I looked back down to my desk out of embarrassment. "You're assignments for today is to read chapter 2 pages 52-94. And answer the questions on page 95 for homework."

I grabbed my bag to get my book, but it's not in there. Crap, did I leave it in the dorm? Shit. I looked over to Jack for help, but he seems too caught up in his work. What am I supposed to do? I looked over to my other side and saw a girl with red hair. Maybe she can let me share her book with me?

I tapped her shoulder and she turned her head to look at me.

"Can you share your book with me?" I whispered clearly. She then raised her hand and said something in sign. Is she deaf? I titled my head as if I don't understand.

She pointed to herself, shook a finger sideways, and pointed to her ear. 'She can't hear.' I know I little sign. Well, the alphabet.

'Can you share your book with me?' I said in sign. She smiled and nodded.

'I'll read a few then you,' she signed. I nodded my head in agreement.


After for what seemed like hours, class was finally over. I didn't get to finish my work, but at least the girl was nice enough to let me use it. It's now time for lunch.

I heard my stomach growl for the third time already. I walked outside to find a taco truck. Yes! Finally some good food around here! I literally ran over to it, almost tripping in the process.

There were four people in front of me, so the line isn't too long.

After about ten minutes, I finally got to order. The guy handed me my tacos with a polite smile. I smiled back at him and handed him the money.

I sauntered over to a table where Korin and her friends were. One of them looks a little like me, but the others look more punk.

"Oh, guys," Korin said, making the people turn their attention to her. "This is Jess, my roommate," she told them. They turned their attention to me and waved.

"Jess this is Israel," she pointed over to the guy with brown hair and a lip piercing. "Drake," she gestured to the black guy with a ton of tattoos. "Josh," she gestured to the bigger guy with a neck tattoo. "And lastly, Ally."

(A/N I'm not racist, just trying to give details)

"So, you have any tattoos?" Drake asked me. I shook my head. "So, I good girl," he smirked. I know what he's thinking, and I think Korin did too.

"She has a boyfriend," she told Drake, looking coldly into his eyes. He looked down, avoiding her deathly glare.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"It's alright," I replied. I finally took a bite out of my first taco. I haven't eaten in days, so I'm starving.

"Who's your favorite of One Direction?" I heard that girl, Ally say. My head snapped up to where I'm facing her. How would she know I like them?

"Niall," I answered cheekily. She glared at me.

"He's mine," she growled. Mhm girl, you did not just say that.

"Whatever, just so you know, I have his number," I smirked, walking away from the table. "And he's my boyfriend!" I added, clearly bragging and teasing her.

I came back inside and entered the restroom. I sighed, thinking about that text Niall sent me earlier today.

He's sending me a plane ticket to meet him? What's so important that he has to meet me in person? More importantly, when am I supposed to get it. Yeah, I know it's not the most important thing, but I really need to see him.

I love him.

Yeah yeah yeah. I know it's short. Sorry about that 😑 but the next one will be longer :)

{new update: this will the last chapter for awhile sorry. But at least I did something right? Plus I'm also writing a new story 😁😅}

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