Chapter 28

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Niall's POV

I am going to need more than a punching bag. I'm going to need John's face. He got her pregnant. That fucking son of a bitch.

I definitely need something to relieve my anger. From myself and John.

"Thank you for letting me know," I said and exited the room. I walked fast to the entrance of the hospital, but I got stopped by a hand. It's Liam.

"Now where are you going?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"I need a punching bag. I'm so damn angry," and that's an understatement.

"Okay, Niall. Chill. Please. You cannot be angry right now."

"Is it okay to be angry if the love of your life got pregnant by someone else?"

He even looks like he wants to cut a bitch.

"How?" He asked a little too loudly, anger clear in his voice.

"John," I answered thinking back to that event. I want to kill that fucker.

"What do you think Jess is going to do? Especially when she finds out."

"I honestly hope that she gets an abortion. I don't know why she would ever want to have a kid with him."


A week has passed. I'm back on tour in Mullingar, Ireland, my hometown. I wonder how Jess is doing. I wonder if the doctor has told her yet.

"Thank you Mullingar!" I yelled into the microphone, and we walked off the stage.

"Paul, any news on Jessica?" I asked him, and like always, he shook his head.

"Sorry Niall, still no news about her yet," he replied handing me a bottle of water and a towel.

I headed to the showers and got cleaned off.

Harry's POV

"Are you positive?" I asked Paul as Niall exited to go to the showers. Paul looked around the corner.

"No," he said seriously. "She found out she's pregnant. I didn't want to tell him. I couldn't tell him."

"What do you mean you couldn't tell him?" I asked curiously.

"She remembers everything. Ever since this afternoon," he answered. "You can tell him if you want."

I nodded my head and headed towards the showers. I got a towel, stripped off my clothes, and got in a shower with warm water.

"Niall," I called out.

"Yes Harry?"

"Jessica remembers. And she knows she's pregnant," I answered waiting for a response. But I didn't hear anything, just his showed turning off, and another being turned on.

When I quickly finished up my shower, I turned off the water and wrapped  the towel around my hips. I stepped out to see Niall staring into a sink, most likely thinking.

"You okay buddy?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder. I felt him take in a shaky breath.

I really feel for him. He's going through a rough time. And to top it off, he's saying that all this is his fault, which just makes it even worse.

I saw a tear fall into the sink. I pulled him into a tight hug and he just broke down. I could feel a wet spot already form on my shoulder in only seconds.

And I'm aware that this is what girls do. But now, he needs to be comforted until he feel better.

"Aww come on! No crying!" I heard Louis say, then his two, strong arms wrapped around us.

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