Chapter Two

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A/N Welcome back! Here's the next chapter for y'all! I hope you enjoy it!

-Elise x

Three months after Rose's encounter with Scorpius, all was forgotten. Rose had vowed to tell no one, which she had stuck to. Not even Albus Severus Potter, whom she told everything, didn't know of the awkward encounter. Rose was with her family at the Potter's residence, where she and the rest of her family were congratulating Albus on his becoming an auror. After the rowdy congratulations and everyone had calmed down, Rose and Albus sat in the corner, as they usually did, talking about everything and anything.

"I think Mum's gunna throw me a party" Albus sighed. Albus, much like Rose, was not big on social gatherings, of any sort, and liked to keep himself to himself and maybe the occasional friend; this was probably why it was such a big feat that he had a job that meant he had to be so social. He ran a hand through his messy black hair, and looked at Rose for some help.

"I don't know Al, you'll just have to face it if she does" Rose shrugged. She flashed a comforting half-smile at Albus before turned to her Aunt Ginny. She was busy talking to Rose's mother, Hermione, and she seemed pretty excited about it "But believe me, I won't be too excited if she does, you know that, we'll just stick together"

"But she'll invite everyone I work with I'll probably be forced to socialise with them so I'm ready" Albus moaned, not wanting to have to leave Rose alone. Rose laughed slightly, shaking her head at how silly Albus was acting.

"Don't be silly Al, I'll be fine, and you're mum would be right, it will be good to get to know your co-workers before you work with them" Rose explained, both her and Albus had lately believed and realised that they knew each other and their families all too well, as they could guess exactly what their families would say, and what each other was thinking when they said things. Albus sighed but he, too, laughed slightly.

A week later, just that was happening. Rose walked out to the back garden of the burrow wearing a short white dress that had a black belt below the breast and black rose detailing down the left side ( a common theme in a large quantity of Rose's clothing). It wasn't late- about six o'clock- but it was already very dark outside. Due to the fact it was only March, it was still pretty chilly, so Rose quickly cast some heating charms over her body in order to remain warm without the use of any sort of jacket. Floating lanterns lit up the garden and the white party tent that was set up at the back of the garden. Rose smiled at the few people milling around as she walked through the garden looking for Albus. Not many people had arrived yet as the party had only just officially started so it didn't take long for Rose to find her cousin. He was standing by the corner of the tent arguing with Ginny about talking to his co-workers, just as Rose had predicted. She walked over to the arguing duo and looked at Albus, laughing at what she predicted coming true. He had a cheeky looking face, a smiled always etched upon his pink lips. His green eyes shone with happiness and light, forcing anyone who gazed upon him to smile also. His messy black hair was, for once, sorted out, and in some form of quiff to keep it out of his face; he wore a black shirt and a black and white striped coat to keep the breeze off his arms. After their conversation, Ginny and Albus both turned to greet Rose- who had a grin plastered on her face

"Hello Rosie, I didn't hear you all arrive, is Hugo, your mum and dad here too?" Ginny asked. Rose shook her head before replying fully.

"No, I apparated outside, Grampa let me in. I wanted to get here quickly, but everyone else is on their way and should be here soon- they're coming by car, I don't know why" Rose laughed, explaining to her Aunt how she arrived so silently and quickly.

"Okay then, I best be off and welcoming the rest of the guests in" she nodded at Rose and then Albus, a smile on her face before walking off into the burrow. Albus then turned to Rose, obviously holding in a laugh about what Rose had been almost laughing about previously.

"We really do" Albus laughed, shaking his head about how well they knew each other and their families. The two walked side by side around the garden, occasionally stopped for a quick hello as the newly arriving guests walked past them, but they were never disturbed for long. After a while, the two grew hungry, and so decided to pop into the white party tent to grab a sandwich or so. They walked together, laughing about something or other as per usual before they found themselves at the food table in the tent.

Before Rose or Albus could say or do anything Albus was swamped with people who wanted to talk to him- to congratulate him on his job or to talk to him about something or other, Rose could only guess. Rose sighed but laughed silently to herself before taking her plate and turning back out to the large garden. She took her plate to the old worn swing at the back of the garden and sat down, away from the loud chatter of who knew how many people and the loud but distant thump of the music- and the floor as people attempted to dance along with it.

Rose sat alone for a while, enjoying the almost-peace and staring up to the pretty sky, watching as wisps of cloud passed over the star-lit sky. She smiled to herself at the view before tucking in on the sandwich and snacks she had picked up from the food table. The food was delicious, Molly Weasley was still an amazing cook and Rose celebrated the fact that she had tasted all sorts of the woman's food, as did all her relatives- you could never get enough of Molly Weasley's food. As Rose sat on the swing, taking in the delicious taste of the amazing food, a shadow descended upon her. As she noticed the sudden darkness surround her, she looked up. She could only see a silhouette as the person's body blocked out all the light, and it wasn't particularly bright where she had been sitting previously anyway. But she couldn't mistake that voice when she heard it.

"I knew I'd see you here, just took a while to find you" Scorpius said, a smirk evident in his voice. Rose stood up. She wasn't nearly as tall as he was despite the heels, so it didn't really do that much, but from sitting on the low swing- it felt as if it did. She attempted to walk away, back to the tent, to get lost in the crowd. She didn't want to remember the encounter they had three months ago, and she had almost completely forgotten it until the memories came flooding back right at that moment.

A/N Did you enjoy it? I hope you did, please vote if you did and comment what you thought of the chapter, and the book so far (I know it's only the second chapter, but I would just like to know what you think!).

-Elise x


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