Chapter Nineteen

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A/N I was in a very, 'posh' mood when I wrote this chapter, particularly Rose and Scorpius conversation- sorry if it sounds weird compared to everything else. Also, not entirely sure where I was going with this chapter... Sorry for the weird randomness, and the fact that this chapter kinda didn't go anywhere- it's really a filler chapter so I can move the story on a bit, so hopefully you won't find it too boring. Enjoy!

P.S- I know it is Tuesday, I'm sorry- it was my brother's birthday yesterday and I didn't get a chance to get to my computer. 

"That's all that happened" Rose agreed. She didn't like to lie to her boyfriend, but she had lived through enough that day- perhaps she would tell him one day, if they remained together for long enough, perhaps not. Jensen seemed pleased enough with what Rose had said- though it wasn't much. He reached out and kindly squeezed Rose's arm.

"I'm sorry Rose" he almost whispered "honestly, I don't like lying to you- I didn't want to do it, but I wanted you to tell me yourself, I didn't want to force it out of you... but I wanted to know"

"It's alright Jensen" Rose croaked. Tears were piling in her eyes at her own memories, but she would not let them fall. She shook her head- an attempt at both clearing her head of the memories and clearing her eyes of the tears, neither of which happened. "Let's go downstairs" she smiled- albeit a fake smile- and grabbed Jensen's hand as the two got up off the bed and walked down the stairs. They joined Macie, Niamh and Teddy in the living room, where the TV was buzzing but nobody was taking any notice of it. Teddy was curled up in the corner of the sofa, a book in his lap; Macie and Niamh were quietly talking about something or other in the corner of the opposite sofa. Jensen and Rose sat down in the seats opposite Teddy, and cuddled up together, pretending to pay attention to what was on the TV but really just enjoying the moment.

Two Months Later

Rose sat silently in the living room, a book in her lap. The only other people in the room were Jensen- who was sitting about two feet away from her on the same sofa- and Scorpius, who was sitting in the matching sofa chair opposite her. Nobody said a word. Jensen spent his time either blankly staring out the window behind Scorpius' head or staring blankly at Rose, waiting for something to happen. Scorpius was flicking through the daily prophet for about the hundredth time that hour. Nothing was happening. Jensen was growing restless; he couldn't really do 'nothing' anymore. The war was into its third month, and already the boy was bored out of his mind. The only people allowed out of the house were Teddy and Victoire, and Jensen had done everything that was somewhat entertaining inside the house. He had read every book he could find- including the children's books. Jensen couldn't bear to read the books again but Rose? Rose could. Rose would re-read the books a thousand times over before she became bored of them. And what was she doing now? Reading one of her books for at least the fifth time. So that left Jensen with nothing to do. Nobody to talk to. He had spent too much of his time with Rose to make friends with any of the others, and the only person he had spoken to was Scorpius- who was also reading. Sighing, and realising nothing would dreadfully disturb the two people in the room, Jensen got up and left the room. Probably heading to his room to do... something.

Jensen was right. His leaving didn't disturb the others in the room. Or, they noticed it, they just weren't bothered by it. They carried on reading silently for another five minutes, before anything changed in the room.

"So, when are you going to tell him?" Scorpius asked, his eyes not leaving the newspaper he held out in front of him.

"Tell him what?" Rose replied, she, too, did not lose her concentration on what she was reading. She turned a page, still completely concentrating on the book.

"Tell him you don't love him" Scorpius said, emotionlessly. He also turned the page of his newspaper. Neither said a word. They silently carried on with their reading, before Scorpius caved in and continued- though he still did not raise his eyes "So Rosie?"

"I don't need to tell him that" She said, turning the page of her book before adding "because it's not true"

"Keep telling yourself that" Scorpius said, his well-known smirk once again taking place on his face- though of course Rose didn't see it, because she was still reading. Again, the two sat in silence for a while, reading at their own paces, not trying anything. Until Rose gave into curiosity, put her book down and looked at him.

"What's got you thinking that anyway?" Rose asked, resting her hands over her book on her knees. Scorpius said nothing until he got to the end of his paper- which was only one page away. He quietly folded the newspaper up and chucked it to the coffee table in the middle of the room. He then slowly looked up to Rose, before shrugging and finally answering her.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Rosie" Scorpius grinned

"Satisfaction brought it back"

"Touché" Scorpius shrugged, still grinning "Well, if you are dying to know, Miss Weasley, I can just tell"

"Well, you tell wrong. I am very happy with Jensen, I am not going to tell him I don't love him"

"But you aren't going to tell him you do" Scorpius raised his eyebrows, his grin turning to a smirk at the girl's surprised face "Yes, I talk to him, he's confused, he has told you he loved you yet you won't reply"

"I do, when he tells me he loves me I do reply"

"But not with the right words"

"Who are you to say what the right words are and aren't" Rose said, her eyebrows furrowing in her growing annoyance.

"What I mean to say, is not with the words Jensen wants to hear" Scorpius' smirk grew. He knew how to annoy Rose- and he was taking great pleasure in doing so

"This is none of your business Malfoy" Rose frowned, there was a silence before she spoke again "But if you are so worried for your... friend, then you can know that perhaps now isn't the right time for me to reply with the 'right words' and when it is, I will say them, because I do believe them"

"If you do believe them, then isn't now the right time to say them?" Scorpius raised his eyebrows once more, knowing Rose was probably going to blow with annoyance any moment now

"Malfoy, this is none of your business" Rose said, before picking her book up and walking out of the room. Scorpius grinned. She had blown, he was right; and now he was happy.

Rose angrily walked up the stairs to Jensen's room. She fell onto the bed next to him, her knuckles almost going white from how hard she was grasping at her book. Jensen had his head in his hands. He couldn't cope with the boredom- he was really suffering. Rose almost laughed at him- poor boy- but she held it in. She released her grip on her book and rested it beside her. A small smile hung on her lips as Jensen looked up to her.

"I didn't realise you'd left" she lied "Something the matter?" she asked.

"Bored" Jensen moaned "I can't stand staying in this goddamned building! We're not even allowed out into the garden!"

"We need to stay safe, Jen, we don't want to be hurt" Rose smiled, rubbing his arm sympathetically, "Look, I wish just as much that we could get out of this building- I love it, there's so many memories here, but it is still boring as hell" Rose sighed, knowing what she was saying was actually true, though she didn't really want it to be, "Merlin knows how many times I've read this book"

"Five" Jensen muttered. Rose's smile grew slightly

"You've counted?" she asked, the boy really was a sweetheart.

"I've nothing better to do" Jensen shrugged, just as a small laugh escaped his lips, Rose joined him, laughing slightly. But it soon faded away, and she was left nodding silently to herself. She tried to convince herself multiple times a day. But she couldn't.

Scorpius was right. She didn't love him.

A/N Ah. Okay, maybe it is a slightly interesting chapter... kinda... I hope you liked it regardless, please vote if you did! And uhm... comment what you think will happen next? I don't know, please comment something- comments make me happy :3 Thank you!

-Elise x

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