Chapter Thirty

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Ooh, we've reached thirty! Exciting, I don't think there will be too much longer now... Oh and by the way, this chapter is a little bit shorter than the rest- sorry!

Scorpius apparated in front of her, grabbed her wrist and apparated back into his room. Rose had not yet been into this room. It was fairly small, actually very small considering the size of all the other rooms in the house (though the room was not small at all by other standards). The walls of the room were green- no real surprise there- but the green was very calming. In the centre of back wall of the room stood a king-size four poster bed made of oak, the silk green covers thrown about- as if Scorpius had gotten up in a hurry. The rest of the room was equally as cosy. Along one wall was a desk: a large oak table that matched the bed. It was covered with papers with Scorpius' swirly handwriting all over them. There were green and grey pillows and beanbags strewn across the room, and the oak floorboards were covered by a large grey fluffy rug.

Rose looked over at Scorpius. He was only wearing a pair of jeans that looked like they had been chucked on very quickly. Rose admired his body, he was well build but not overly muscly, and Rose smiled- she had never seen Scorpius without a top on before. But all that was disturbed as he began to speak.

"Where were you going?" Scorpius asked softly, though it made her feel incredibly guilty for not saying anything to him.

"I... I needed to see Minerva" Rose whispered "I need to see that she is alright"

"She's fine, she's in good hands" Scorpius reassured, "there's no need to run away, Rosie"

"No, the best hands are treating the wounded during fights. She might be in good hands but she's not in the best hands. She only deserves the best hands" Rose said, her voice breaking.

"I know, I know, but the best hands would have been there at the scene when she was injured, she's fine"

"She's not fine, Scorpius, otherwise we would have just been owled. I know Nique is awful but she would not risk her life- our lives- to come and tell us herself unless it was really serious. I need to see her, I can't let her go without seeing her" Rose took a deep breath, and she tried not to cry. "And I told Ailbe I'd get her Toby"

"Her cat" Scorpius breathed. He sighed and looked to the floor, "fine" he said, walking around the room. He found a top and chucked it on, he found a jacket and threw that on also. He then grabbed a bag from a chest Rose had not even noticed, and filled it with a few things. Rose wasn't really paying attention, she was in a state.

"Fine" he repeated, grabbing Rose's hand "but I'm coming with you"

"What? No you're not! You'll get hurt!" Rose protested, but Scorpius was not having any of it.

"No Rose, if you want to go, I'm coming with you, and nothing you can say will change that. Besides, I'm a trained auror, I know what I'm doing, I can protect you" Scorpius replied, it was if he was trying to persuade her but from the second he said "no" Rose knew he was coming.

"Fine" she huffed. Scorpius apparated with her down to the kitchen, grabbed a never-ending bag full of supplied that was "hidden for emergencies" he explained. "This isn't the only one like it" he continued "so don't worry about everyone else being deprived" Rose nodded, but didn't say a word. Scorpius stuffed the smaller bag into his bag, and stood up, grabbing Rose's hand again. "Now where were you?" he asked, a small smile on his lips. The two apparated back to the spot Rose had gotten to before she was pulled back inside and they carried on walking, hand in hand.

A/N hello! I hope you enjoyed. As I said, sorry it was a little shorter, but I needed it to be! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed- you should know this by now! Thank you so much for reading! See you soon! Bye!

-Elise x 

What's In A Name? {Harry Potter, Next Gen, Scorose Fanfiction} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now