Chapter Fifteen

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A/N Hola, as it is the half-term for me and I have a break from exams I decided to give you a new update- also because I really wanted to publish a new part to this story (also because I have a really busy day on Monday and  I feel like I may forget... but I'll try not to!)

"Rose! Rose! ROSE!" someone called in her ear. She grumbled, rubbing her eyes, but sat up reluctantly. Moaning, she asked what whoever it was wanted. "You missed lunch, I brought you some food. Rose finally opened her eyes to see Alice sitting on the end of her bed, a small plate of roast chicken in her hand.

"Thank you Alice" Rose smiled, taking the plate and cutlery from Alice and tucking in "I'm sorry I didn't come down when lunch was ready, I just got a bit overwhelmed and needed a nap"

"It's alright" Alice nodded, walking over to her bed and putting her suitcase on her bed "I suppose I should start unpacking now..." Rose sighed, knowing for Alice this meant it wasn't just some friendly visit- she really was here to stay. Unlatching the suitcase, Alice started piling her clothes into the dark oak wardrobe opposite her bed, and books, parchment and quills into the brown trunk- that looked an awful lot like a treasure chest- at the foot of her bed.

After Rose finished her delicious meal, she joined Alice in unpacking her suitcase, putting her clothes and shoes into the oak wardrobe in front of her and her many, many books into the black trunk at the foot of her bed. She stuffed her quills and parchment into one of the drawers in the cabinet beside her bed- as there was no room for them in the trunk.

"It's sad, isn't it" Alice sighed "This really means we're staying here, now, we're not just stopping by for a meal"

"You could pretend you were staying for a week or so" Rose shrugged, attempting to comfort the girl but knowing it wasn't going to be much help.

"I could, but when the week's over I'll probably just be more upset... I might as well get myself thinking that I'm here to stay then postpone it until later" Alice sighed again, and even though Rose could not see her face, she knew that Alice would be crying, or on the verge of it at least. Rose walked over to her and silently hugged her.

"It'll be fine, everyone'll be fine" Rose smiled, or at least attempted to.

One Month Later

"Dinner!" Victoire called up the stairs. After a month of staying in the house, everyone had gotten used to the Lupins' routines, and all managed to shift theirs around it- there was no more groaning when dinner was late on a Friday, and when breakfast seemed a lot earlier on a Monday. The stairs sounded as if there were about to fall apart as seven child-adults scampered down the stairs for dinner.

Rose was already sitting in the kitchen, sitting on the counter-top that she had been told so many times to get off that Teddy had given up. She started swinging her legs as Victoire walked back into the kitchen. Victoire's beautiful blonde hair was tired up into a bun on top of her head and she wore a cute little black and white checked dress over thin black tights, it was starting to get cold as they got closer to winter- this was going to be a long war.

As everybody started emerging through doors either side of the kitchen Rose jumped down and took her seat at the table. As usual, Alice and Lysander sat beside her with Jensen opposite her. Scorpius sat- fortunately, according to Rose- at the other end of the table between Macie and the end of the table. Tonight's meal was spaghetti bolognese accompanied with Victoire's delicious home made butterbeer. The kitchen filled with conversation and laughter as people settled into their meal. The table was more often than not split into two groups of conversations: Rose, Alice, Jensen, Lysander and Lorcan; and Macie, Niamh, Scorpius, Teddy and Victoire. The meal went quickly, and everyone enjoyed Teddy's delicious cooking, once again.

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