Chapter Thirty One

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They alternated between walking and apparating. Apparating was much easier, but it also allowed them to be detected easier- and they needed to be as undetectable as possible. Rose had asked why they couldn't apparate straight to the hospital, but Scorpius had explained that although they could physically do that, they really shouldn't, because if they were detected they would be found straight away.

They had been walking and apparating for five hours when they finally stopped to rest. They had had a few snacks throughout the journey, but it was nothing much. They found themselves in a muggle high street, and they decided to go into a small builders café on the end of the road.

The pair walked in, smiling- happy to be in from the cold. As soon as they walked in the gorgeous smell of just-baked break hit them, and they couldn't help but smile bigger. They walked up to the counter and took a look at all the beautiful hand-made cakes on display, ready to be brought. At the counter, was a grinning young muggle; rosy cheeks and shining eyes. Scorpius took a look at the menu- a blackboard hung along the length of the wall behind the counter.

"Good morning" the young girl said, her voice full of cheer for an early Tuesday morning, "what can I get for you?". The two stared at the blackboard on the wall before replying.

"I'll have a bacon roll and a latte, please" Scorpius asked kindly. The girl nodded and typed the information into her till, before looking over to Rose.

"I'll have scrambled egg on toast and a hot chocolate please" Rose asked.

"Cream?" the girl asked, her hand hovering over the till.

"Yes please" Rose replied, again the girl nodded and entered the information into the till.

"That will be five seventy, please" the girl spoke. Rose fished some muggle coins out of her pocket, and gave the girl the right ones. The girl handed Scorpius a wooden spoon with a face on one side and a large number 6 on the other, telling the two to take a seat wherever they wished.

Scorpius followed Rose to a table in the corner, right next to the window, which was frosted up with the morning chill and the heat of the little café. Rose took her cloak off, and hung it on the back of her chair, before turning to see the stupid big grin across Scorpius' face.

"What?" she asked, a confused frown forming on her forehead. Scorpius just grinned wider, reaching his hand out across to the centre of the table.

"I realise I don't even know your name, how rude of me, may I ask what it is?" Scorpius asked, his grin wider than Rose could possibly imagine. Rose, too, smiled as she realised he had echoed the words of their late introduction when they had met in Diagon Alley that time at Christmas.

"Rose, Rose Weasley, and yourself?" Rose asked, she too echoing the words of that afternoon. Scorpius went to reply, but instead burst out laughing- which prompted Rose to do the same, "I was so rude to you, then" she laughed.

"You were" Scorpius laughed, not denying the truth. Rose's mouth formed a pout in fake-annoyance, but it wasn't long before she too was laughing with him once again. "This café is so similar to the one on Diagon Alley... We're sat by the frosty window too!"

"I guess that's just my go-to spot for cafés!" Rose explained. The two chatted quietly for a while, as they waited for their food and drinks to be prepared. Shortly, the same young girl walked over with the two drinks, which the pair gladly took in order to warm up- they were still cold from the piercing freeze outside. They were told that their food would be about five minutes, which they didn't mind.

Five minutes later, an elderly lady came walking out with a trolley, atop with steaming scrambled eggs on toast and a delicious smelling bacon roll. Again, the two smiled and graciously accepted their foods.

"You two make a lovely couple, you seem so happy" the elderly lady smiled. Rose could hear the kindness in the lady's voice, but she couldn't help but feel annoyed- did Scorpius look like her boyfriend? Before she could say anything, Scorpius cut it.

"Oh, we're just friends- but thank you" he smiled kindly. The lady nodded her apologies, and walked off with the trolley.

"Wh- do we- what?" Rose stammered.

"Don't worry, Rose" Scorpius sighed, before tucking into his roll. "Wow, this is delicious!" he groaned in satisfaction.

The two sat in silence- besides the comforting hum of the café- whilst they ate their 'breakfast'. Once they were done, they left the café- accompanied by a loud "thank you! Would love to see you again!" shout from the lady at the till- and began walking again. For hours, nothing more than mere conversation was had, and they were happy in the quietness.

They walked through countless towns, through dozens of picturesque countryside scenes and eventually found themselves in the midst of hundreds of people running about in every which direction.

"What's going on?" Rose asked, confused as the pair stood in the centre of screaming masses running about around them.

"I have no idea, but stay close to me, Rose" Scorpius said, grabbing her hand which she held onto tightly.

Then they saw it. The black shot of smoke that showed a death eater flying about. They turned to each other in panic, and began following the crowds and running away, trying not to be seen.

"Should we not fight?" Rose asked, panting as they ran. Scorpius shook his head.

"No, we mustn't draw attention to ourselves. We need to stay safe and get to St. Mungo's" Scorpius explained. Within the rush, Scorpius felt it safe to apparate- straight to St. Mungo's.

"What did you do that for?" Rose asked, worried, "You said we couldn't apparate straight there because our magic would be noticed!"

"I know, but the fuss that that fight will be making within the ministry, I don't think it will really make that much difference" Scorpius shrugged, though he wasn't sure if he believed it himself.

Then they noticed it. The black shell of the building that once held St. Mungo's. The building stood solid as a rock, yet there was not much more than rock left of it. It looked the same as Grimmauld Place did, yet the wreck looked older than the last time Rose had seen Grimmauld Place- obviously because the last time she had seen it was when she left it, when it had just happened.

Thanks to the rain had occurred recently, some of the black ash had been washed away. But this did not make the scene look any less horrifying. The red brick of the old department building was smashed in almost every place. There were no windows or doors in sight. Some of the interior rooms were exposed in some places due to the missing exterior walls, and the perfect whiteness was covered in blood, ash and brick.

Rose's eyes immediately flew up to the fourth floor, where she knew Minerva would be residing. As she scanned up the building, every room she could see was empty, until she reached the fourth floor. It was high up, but she could just about make out the silhouette of a person lying on the floor.

"NO!" Rose screamed as she dropped Scorpius' hand and apparated to the fourth floor.

A/N-  Not quite sure that this is a very good chapter, to be honest. I have been incredibly stressed with school work lately, and though writing usually calms me down and relaxes me- for some reason writing this chapter did not. Never mind. I know this isn't a very good one, but I do hoped you enjoyed it. Please vote and comment and I will see you next week. 

-Elise x

What's In A Name? {Harry Potter, Next Gen, Scorose Fanfiction} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now